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Ky's Nuvo 30 Build

Nano Reefer Ky

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Sounds like you just need to keep up the regiment and let your system balance out. I'd imagine the last bit of cyano will slowly start to disappear in time in the next couple months without you changing anything.

Great! Thanks for checking back in on me and offering some more advise.

That's awesome! Montis are very forgiving of water quality and are a good way to test you system out to see if one day you can keep acro frags alive!

I know! I love anything that costs under $10. Hopefully I can get this little guy to start growing.

wow, great improvement on the favia.


favias looking great! the little guy is a stomatella snail. totally harmless and a pretty good cleaners.

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Thanks for the ID. I found another last night. Looks like I have 2 now. First hitchiker I've found so far. Hopefully they keep being the good kind :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time for a small update. I don't have pictures right now (I know, I forgot to take them...). This past week I noticed that the place I was pouring the dosing chemicals didn't have enough flow and some of the carbonate was precipitating in that chamber. I started dosing into a high flow portion of the rear chamber and this made a huge difference. So much difference, that me making that simple change caused a small overdose. The entire tank fogged up due to the overdose. I stopped dosing for a couple days and did a 20% water change. The tank has now cleared up and I'll be testing/dosing again tonight.

I was also finally able to get the phosphates down to 0. All the cyano in the tank has died and dissappeared YAY! But then my reactor stopped working :( I have the IM mid size reactor and Amazon will be refunding me for it. Does anyone have a suggestion for a replacement reactor? Should I go with the IM reactor again and hope I just got a lemon the first time?

The corals seem to be doing ok. I'm hoping I didn't strip the water of phosphates too much before realizing I was finally at zero. That coupled with the chemical overdose is probably the reason the tank doesn't look it's best. Hopefully things will level off soon.

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Ty - thank you for the recomendation. After further research I figure my active dose of GFO should be between 1-2 TBL at a time. It seems like overkill to run a large reactor for such a small amount of media. So I decided to try the CPR reactor. It's small, uses a tiny Rio pump and it fits nicely in the "reactor" chamber of my AIO.

Bigger is always better in this hobby I believe lol. When I had a large tank with large equipment nothing ever broke. I have had nothing but problems with all of my nano equipment.

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No problem! Sorry, I've been living in the big tank world for so long I forgot about the size constraints of nanos. My old nano cube would be ashamed of me right now... forgetting my roots like that.

Glad you got it figured out. I will agree with you on size, not just equipment being less delicate but the larger water volume is very forgiving for our unavoidable human errors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Added some acans over the past few days. Three from xanreefer and 1 from the LFS. Unfortunately my phone cannot get the color right in the pictures but I'll post them up anyways. They weren't to happy with my man handling when taking them off their plugs and glueing them to the rock but hopefully they will start growing soon.




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The newest acan frag tried to eat a snail. Here is a pic of the snail sticking out of it's mouth. It was in there for about 2 days and then I noticed the shell sitting on the rock below it. I believe the acan ate the snail and spit out the shell. Crazy if that is what really happened!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sure they'll love it. The hermits and snails go for the shrimp I feed the LPS so I may have to try pellets and see if that works better. Let me know how they work for you. Try oyster feast. I have been using that sparingly over the past few weeks so I can't give a full report. I will say though that 30 minutes after feeding the tank with the oyster feast the polyps are really extended on the LPS. The most extension I've ever seen really. I may try feeding a bit of oyster feast to get everyone extended and then blast them with the shrimp. Maybe that would help them eat the shrimp before the hermits get there and try to steal it.

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  • 1 month later...

Well in my absence of care due to me having a new addition to the family, one of my clown passed away. He developed a black spot on his back and I decided not to try and remove him from the tank, dip him in medication and add him back. I thought this would stress him worse then just leaving him be. He was swimming around fine and eating the same amount as the other clown. He was alive when I went to the hospital and when I got back I couldn;t find him anywhere. RIP Hero (that was his name).

I'll try to find a picture of the spot to see if anyone knows what it is.

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Just curious but have you checked your overflow? I have thought a clown was missing for a while and a week later found him swimming around perfectly fine in the overflow. I had looked once but didn't see him.

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Hmmm. I just did a bunch of cleaning but I guess I didn't check one of the chambers. That would be fantastic if he was in there. I'm pretty sure he didn't carpet surf either. We are always walking by the tank and the dog is put up during the day when we aren't at home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well bummer... my other clown passed away. I was unable to nail down a diagnosis in time. From what I've read I believe both of my clowns caught Brooklynella. Both showed signs of losing color and tails turning white. My fist hung on for a couple weeks before passing and my second only lasted 2-3 days. I'm really bummed about this one because he was my first fish. He had come a long way with me and it was really sad hearing my wife tell me he was being eaten under the rocks.

I'm not sure how they contracted the disease and hopefully it does not spread to the 1 remaining fish, watchman goby.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the goby is fine, if not better. He is swimming all over the tank now that he is the only fish. I'll frequently see him perched at the very top of the tank looking out through a hole. I swear he likes to people watch. I won't be getting any new fish anytime soon. I am going to work on upgrading the equipment so I have more time to do aquarium work instead of dosing by hand. I'll probably get a pair of whyoming whites when I decide to replace the clowns again.

All of the corals are doing well except for the zoas/palys. I'm not too sure the reason for this. I have them located all over the tank. Hi light/low light, hi flow/low flow and they all seem to be stalled and not forming new babies. The other corals in the tank are spreading just fine. Wierd. Any ideas?

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Z/P I'm my experience will sit stagnant for what seems like months. Then all of a sudden they will go through a growth cycle and pop as many babies as they have heads. While some are constant growers most of mine seem to do this exact same thing, going through a growth cycle. I have noticed during this dormant cycle the mat is usually growing with the preparation of forming new heads. If they are open and happy I wouldn't be too concerned.

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Great to hear about the addition to the family! just a thought; perhaps with the loss of the clowns, your nitrate input might be stifled abit.

I'll second reburn on the growth cycles though. I've also noticed Palythoas always seem to grow more consistently then zoanthids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't noticed that until you guys said something, thanks. Hopefully the next growth cycle will begin shortly. I have noticed the coloration is looking better on them. I have drastically cut down on food input into the tank like you have pointed out bluemoon. I have been trying to lower phosphates in the tank since they have been hovering around .04ppm. I have always had 0 nitrate (red sea) and maybe that is another problem?

I need to grab some more pictures as soon as I can get around to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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