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Manny's 75G Upgrade


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Manny didn't tell you you'd have to go to Canada to view it!

Manny, it's only creepy if you take a screen grab and then send it to me... and then I have my ISP trace it and they say... it was sent from inside your house!!! [emoji33] I watch too many scary movies! [emoji57]

I always edit my videos through youtube and click the smooth video option. My hand control isn't always the smoothest.

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I installed my new Sicce Syncra Silent 3.0 return pump yesterday afternoon, leaving behind the mag 7. Man O man! I sure am happy with this thing. You can't hear it! The only sounds I hear now are coming from both my skimmer pump and my powerheads. Totally loving this thing.

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Yeah, i hadn't had enough time to hype it yet. I'll get on it!

Well i might have to take a different approach with the video in that case. Only thing is that if I win, since I'm two hours away, I would probably have to donate the drag to someone else nearby.

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Just a quick update on the red sea products.

Ok so I only started just recently and started off with the reef energy A&B. While there hasn't been anything major happen yet (it's been only a week) there are a few pieces which I feel are already starting to show better polyp extension. I should have taken individual pictures when I shot the above video but if you go back a few pages, you can see what these coral look like.

First off, my bali green slimer. This piece came in from vivid aquariums and had full PE within the hour. It's a very hardy piece and easy to maintain. So I wasn't surprised to see how easily it has adapted to my tank and released it's polyps. However, I did not expect to see much more in terms of PE from this piece. I didn't think it could look any better. But I have already seen an improvement with just a week of using reef energy. It has also started growing over one side of the plug but I am confident it would have started doing that without the reef energy. Here are a few pictures of it from a week ago and from yesterday. Nothing has changed as far as water chemistry either.

A week ago




One week ago




This is actually my newest frag. It could also be that the frag is just adjusting to my parameters.

This piece had zero polyp extension when I started reef energy. I have had the piece for about 5 weeks.


Now the next couple of pictures are some that I will be monitoring closely for improvements.

Again, this one here had close to zero PE. It's not much on it now but this picture will give us a reference.


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The mint julep up front has polyp extension on the base but not much on the actual branches. This will be another good one to reference in a few weeks. The pink acro in the back came to me in super bad shape. I just about through it out but I think I am starting to see it recover. Lets keep an eye on that one as well.


Not much PE since the AEFW incident but let's watch this one closely.




Lastly, this piece has amazing PE but it was bleached when I first put it in my tank. It has always been at the bottom but I probably need to find some shade for my new pieces. I keep my lights intensity pretty high.


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I just read through a couple pages of your thread and see you are doing the red sea program.

I just reordered the colors part of it. After a month of using the ABCD coral colors I have noticed a nice improvement in coral coloration, I think you will like what it does for your tank.

I seem to be implementing it in reverse to you as I ordered the reef energy part of it this time too, for the first time.

I gave up on the foundation part of it a long time ago because it's pricey, but it was convienant to use for sure

Edited by something to reef on
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I just read through a couple pages of your thread and see you are doing the red sea program.

I just reordered the colors part of it. After a month of using the ABCD coral colors I have noticed a nice improvement in coral coloration, I think you will like what it does for your tank.

I seem to be implementing it in reverse to you as I ordered the reef energy part of it this time too, for the first time.

I gave up on the foundation part of it a long time ago because it's pricey, but it was convienant to use for sure

I actually went all out into their products. I own all the parts to the program but have only implemented the reef energy so far. I'm not ready for the others yet.

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I just read through a couple pages of your thread and see you are doing the red sea program.

I just reordered the colors part of it. After a month of using the ABCD coral colors I have noticed a nice improvement in coral coloration, I think you will like what it does for your tank.

I seem to be implementing it in reverse to you as I ordered the reef energy part of it this time too, for the first time.

I gave up on the foundation part of it a long time ago because it's pricey, but it was convienant to use for sure

I actually went all out into their products. I own all the parts to the program but have only implemented the reef energy so far. I'm not ready for the others yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok just a quick update on the RCP:

I decided that if I was actually going to do this then I would be better off doing it the right way and according to instructions and not modifying it as I had initially planned. With that being said, I have stopped using the Reef Energy A&B for the time being. Just until I get the NOPOX going.

So I had got my parameters to where they need to be for "accelerated growth" according the the RCP directions. They require 465 ppm calcium, 12.5 dKH, and 1380 Mg. I got my parameters there and got bored one day then decided to do a water change. Being that a few months ago I went through a personal debate with myself as to which salt I would be using, I bought a bucket of instant ocean. I have since then reasoned with myself and will be going back to the red sea salt. Anyhow, I did my water change and down went my parameters again. Fun! I decided against raising them with 2 part or kalk and went ahead and used the ABC+ product to raise them. Believe it or not, the recommended dose, for an aquarium my size and calicum and alkalinity down to 380 ppm and 9.8 dKH respectively, was 180 grams of the ABC+ powder. I thought this was an insane amount. The Red Sea rep told me to add this directly to the sump and wait 10 minutes between every 60 grams. Being the way that I am, I waited about 30 minutes between 60 grams. I tested the next day and I absolutely freaked out! I got a reading of 380 ppm calcium and 14.5 ish dKH. I tested again another two times. Same reading. That absolutely had me down for the rest of the day. I thought my acro's would RTN overnight for sure. Well I went ahead and tested again 2 days later. False alarm. I am guessing that with that much powder added, it probably was not mixed well even a day later. Today my tests showed 465 ppm calcium, 12.0 dKH, and 1380 Mg. This is almost perfect! So there recommended dose was spot on! I will be doing a daily dose much smaller than the first one. To maintain these parameters I have to dose 9 grams of the foundation powder per day. Easy enough. I am also testing every other day. This is the Reef Foundation portion of their RCP. Step 1.

Next step is to dose NOPOX. My PO4 is actually lower than the recommended amount so I have removed my GFO and increased the amount of feedings. I am also awaiting the Red Sea nitrate test kit. I know this will take a while to dial in so it might be 2-3 weeks before I start back up with step 3, reef energy. But once this is dialed in, step 3 will be very easy to dose. That's simply 6 ml of each per day. No testing or waiting required.

Step 4 is their coral color program. This can be tricky to figure out how much to use exactly, especially since I won't be testing for trace elements, but there is a way to calculate the dosage based on the calcium consumption.

So far, nothing dramatic has happened in the tank. Then again, I just started step 1 and I had initally started with step 3. What I can say about the reef energy is that it definitely does encourage polyp extension. For instance, my acans used to show PE only during dark hours. They now always have their polyps extended. Even during peak hours.

Thats about it for now. I did redo my ATO but I won't shoot pictures until after I clean the glass. I won't clean the glass until tomorrow. I don't want to use my old scraper and the wife bought me a flipper for Christmas. She doesn't know that I know but I saw the email thanking her for the purchase. Yay! I'll act super surprised.

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I have KNO3 and K2HPO4 you can use if you need to bring your NO3 and PO4 to a specific number

Also are they instructing you to turn off your skimmer for any of this? Particularly the amino acid/trace element/color boosting stuff?

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