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Manny's 75G Upgrade


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I like a blue background too but your overflow will show up way more than with a black background. No big deal just wanted to mention it.

My overflows show but over time I'll get coraline and stuff growing so it won't be bad

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I am getting tempted to paint it. Both petshop and petco have been out of the color background for 2 weeks now. I have some black latex based paint here at home. i might just paint it black out of desperation. And I wasn't even thinking about the overflow. Although madsalt has a point. Soon it will be all covered in coraline algae.

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I ran into a problem with my tank temperature. I had my temperatures running all the way up to 84 degrees and at night it would drop to 80 degrees. It could probably drop a little more but I set my heater up to 80 so it wasn't swinging too much. The major problem was this high heat. I don't want my temp that high. And when I would open the canopy, you would feel a blast of humidity hit you in the face. So I bought one of the best upgrades ever! I bought a $10 clip on fan at wal mart. Talk about working wonders. My tank remains at 80 degrees during the day. When my lights go out, the temp is at 80 still and since my heater is at 80, problem solved. To top it off, the fan clips on the staircase behind the canopy and not on the tank itself. SCORE! I was thinking I was going to need two of these but nope, one did enough. I have it set on the light timer to when the lights go off, the fan goes off. Anyhow, things still going great. My coral have never looked so happy before. I think this is due to the lighting increase. I was only running 2 T-5's before so not nearly enough light. The only thing that has gone wrong so far is that about 2 hours ago, my son was standing on top of the canopy acting like a monkey :/

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Hmmm maybe he was trying to be a sea monkey?? Hehe

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Hmmm maybe he was trying to be a sea monkey?? Hehe

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Well good thing I did "see" the monkey. I had to be a little hard on him. It's cute that he was up there but it's dangerous so better make it known to him that he cannot be up there. I guess that is one of the downfalls of having the staircase access to my aquarium; bored monkeys get curious about climbing on the tank. I hope to have some more pictures this weekend. I want you guys to see the difference in the coral since moving over. Again, I assume this due to better lighting being that my parameters are virtually the same. I guess the addition of an ATO would also attribute to this.

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Hmmm maybe he was trying to be a sea monkey?? Hehe

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>Hmmm maybe he was trying to be a sea monkey?? Hehe

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Well good thing I did "see" the monkey. I had to be a little hard on him. It's cute that he was up there but it's dangerous so better make it known to him that he cannot be up there. I guess that is one of the downfalls of having the staircase access to my aquarium; bored monkeys get curious about climbing on the tank. I hope to have some more pictures this weekend. I want you guys to see the difference in the coral since moving over. Again, I assume this due to better lighting being that my parameters are virtually the same. I guess the addition of an ATO would also attribute to this.

Sounds like he just needs a job to do. (Sorry, I'm going to be an elementary teacher) Something that he can do so he feels involved and can help, but that clearly defines limits and expectations (ie you can feed the fish, but only when dad is there and only when the schedule says it's time. Then teach him how and have a schedule he's in charge of. It'd be a great way to teach him scheduling, responsibility, science and as he gets older more complex topics like chemistry, biology, and food chains. Again.. sorry I love working with the little ones). It's so great that he shares an interest with you and that you have something you can do together. My dad and I did this when I was little and I learned a lot about fish and science, as well as my own love of aquaria, from the experience.

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So I finally got my dual media reactor up and running today. I hadn't installed it just yet because I was waiting for some help with connecting it to my return pump. Thankfully, the help came yesterday and built me a manifold which I got installed today. I seriously can't wait to reduce the cyano in my tank. I painted the back glass black and did not like how dull the paint looked so I scraped it and put up a solid black background. I will be getting my RBTA this Saturday. Hopefully, I can get some new pictures up this weekend.

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Ok so I hadnt done any serious updates here in the last few weeks so I wanted to share with you guys all that is going on with my aquarium. As I mentioned in my last post, with some help, I got a manifold built for my return pump to feed my dual media reactor and am now running it straight from the pump.


I know its not the greatest picture of it and the cross bar in front doesn't allow for me to take a good picture but I think you guys get the point. As you can also see, I have removed the HOB skimmer and am now running my Euroreef. I hadn't been running it because after I purchased it from a member in Austin, I brought it home and the impeller inside was no good. The magnet had swelled significantly and would not allow the pump to function.IMG_0506_zpsf5778cee.jpg But I finally got the impeller ordered and have this bad boy doing the dirty work now. The bad part about it is that it is going through a breaking in period again. I can't seem to adjust the collection cup level on it yet. No matter where I set it, the cup is full and overflowing withing a few minutes. So I am running it with the top off and allowing it to overflow for a few days. Tomorrow I will probably mess with it some more and try to find a sweet spot on it.

As for livestock, I did purchase my RBTA. I am super excited about that. 7 months ago when I started, that was one of the first purchases I wanted to make. I didn't feel up to the task of keeping an anemone but now I feel more than comfortable having one. It it still roaming around on my pukani rock but once it settles down, I will post a picture of it.

Lastly, unfortunately I have come to a bitter point in my setup. I am really having an issue with the way the lighting on this is setup. I am absolutely no longer happy with it and have decided that I WILL be upgrading to a more functional setup than this. It will be a few months down the road since I just spent a decent amount on upgrading to this tank size but it will come around. The lights do their job. The issues I am having with it are not because of it not meeting standards. I have an 8 bulb T-5 fixture and with the right bulbs, this thing can be a monster! One of the things that I do not like about it is the fact that it is a DIY project and lacks a splash of professionality. The wires are not routed neatly and there is no on/off switch. What bothers me most about it though is that the bulbs are completely exposed to the water due to the lack of a splash guard. The bulbs literally sit 6 " off the surface of the water and run pretty hot. I worry that one of them is going to burst right over the water and get inside my tank. I know, sounds like an easy fix and all I have to do is fabricate a splash guard around it and problem solved. It's a little more complex. I don't have much room to work with in there since the lights are already hanging low. Next issue is that I cannot open my canopy without having some of the bulbs turn off. there is a short somewhere along the wires and if I move the hood, 2-4 of the bulbs shut off and I have to wait for them to cool down and then twist them front to back to get them to turn back on. Sometimes I will wrestle with it for about 5 minutes before they finally decide to stay on. I Again, probably sounds like a simple fix but I am by no means capable of messing with any electrical. I have never done any type of electrical work so have no experience with it. I thought about hiring a certified electrician to come out and think of a way to help house the lights better and add individual switches to each bulb. That way I can run certain bulbs at certain hours and not have them all on or all off all the time. The biggest issue is the safety aspect. I cannot have the bulbs exposed to the water the way they are. Since it will be several months before I can upgrade my lighting, I will have to have this current setup worked on and fix the issues I am talking about for now. I just get super frustrated when I am cleaning the glass or feeding the fish and then have to deal with the lights turning out. I will post an add on craigslist and see if I can't find myself a reputable electrician to do the job.

Now that I vented, everything else is still coming along just fine. I have not had any setbacks or lost any coral. I got an acro frag off Jonathan and that thing is looking swell in my tank. Within a day of having it, polyps were fully extended and it looked to be in perfect health. I believe I have had it for a week now. My parameters have been stable this whole time. I monitor them twice a week and don't have to do much to keep them in line. I don't have a lot of coral in there but slowly I am starting to see my aquarium become a reef. I am super anxious to keep stocking my tank and watch it grow. I will try to keep you guys posted if anything else changes in there or with any livestock I add. Thanks for stopping by.

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Good update. Yeah I think if you had someone come out, remove the hood and just clean up the wires some it would definitely be workable and tide you over, or possibly satisfy you entirely on how they function

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Dude...I can do all of that!...11 year's in construction 4 of the last as an electrician...now I just take it easy and make pizzas while bossing everyone around...we can mess with it when I come out to help with the sump...I also have an idea for a splash guard for you

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Wow look at this. While i know my tank is no where near great (not yet), look at where I was when I started. I forgot I had this video. It is a video of when I was in my 29 gallon. This is 4 weeks after the end of my cycle. Enjoy. I will share one later of where my tank is now with the 75 gallon.

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I have a question for you all but before I spit it out, I want to give some clarification on what kind of answer I am expecting. I am only doing this to save some redundant answers that will more than likely be posted here anyways. Here it goes, I am looking for people's personal experience with maroon clownfish. I have read multiple (and I seriously mean multiple!) times people commenting on this specific question saying, "Don't buy them. They are too aggressive. I have never owned one but I hear they are too aggressive so I will not buy any". Unfortunately, that is not a valid opinion to my ears. I want to know first hand experience from previous owners of maroon clownfish whether or not they truly are as bad as forums make them out to be. It seems that the few posts from actual/previous owners have stated that their maroon clowns were model citizens in their tanks and that they (as owners) "must have got lucky". I am assuming they are stating this because of the bad rep the clowns have from many forums. Like I said though, it seems to me that most of the bad rep they get is from people who have never owned one at all. While I do believe they are aggressive and territorial, as most fish "can" be, I want to know to what extent and how well they do is a community tank. I can read all day online people giving advice to stay away from them or people saying "well my friend owns one and he say's it's aggressive" but please, as stated above, let's leave this to actual experience with the fish.

I have seen the maroon clownfish several times here at our only fish store and I really am attracted to the beauty of the fish. I saw a group of about 10 clowns they had for sale and sat there and watched them for a few minutes. It seemed like they were all adapting to the small tank they were in. And while I did notice some aggression from a larger one to a smaller one, it really didn't seem like it was causing any harm to the smaller one. In fact, it seemed like the smaller clown was getting bored of the bullying and would just casually swim away. The good thing is that they have some very small maroons and some much bigger ones. There was some other fish in the aquarium that did not even get a second look by any of the clownfish. And best of all, they sell them for $16 each. Being that I recently lost my first fish, my black ocellaris of 6 months, to an apparent external disease, I don't feel happy with just my single orange ocellaris. And I highly doubt I will buy another black ocellaris unless I drive either to Houston or Austin to buy one. Our only local fish store here is Petco and I think that it is safe to say I will not be buying any fish from them that is over $20. I do have a permanent QT running at home but even so, I would rather buy a healthy fish and monitor it than buy a sick fish, monitor it, treat it, and then put it in my display. So I am thinking of possibly rehoming my current ocellaris and getting two of the maroon clownfish. Currently I have a yellow tang (2.5"), bristletooth tang (3"), royal gramma (2.5"), ocellaris (2"), and a spotted goby who never comes out of under the rock.

In your "experience" have these fish been as bad as people say? Have they attacked other fish for no apparent reason or is the aggression mainly towards eachother? Do they have a killer instinct or are they just bullies? And are they more territorial than aggressive? I can understand a clown getting territorial around it's anemone. In fact, I find that to be a good thing. I would not mind an overly territorial fish but absolutley do not want an overly aggressive fish who is going to run around and be the Hanibal Lector of my aquarium. Ain't nobody got time for that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I disagree Jonathan. I think it looks very similar to this when I turn off the white light. Qt has been up for a while now. Its fully cycled and has sand and a little bit of live rock. They fish have been in there 3 days now but I sure do hope they make it too. That's why I only tried two at first. Can't wait to give a real update after I get some frags from you. Also, I did pick up an extra actinic bulb and Dustin swung by and said he sees a big difference. That was the first time I heard my tank referred to as crystal clear :)

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Also fantastic news. The qt tank in person looks a lot more 420 nm actinic to me than the 470nm blue in that pic. My memory could be fuzzy though. Did he bring by your wp25

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