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Congratulations! You're a grandparent! You have a bunch of what I call "polyp buds" Each one will grow a new baby plate coral and when it gets to a certain size will drop off and the "polyp bud" will start growing a new one in just a few weeks. Check out these threads by JeeperTy and myself:



I would just leave everything alone for about a year. The "polyp bud" structures should have grown by then and formed new "polyp buds" and will be somewhat easier to separate from the main skeleton:


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Wow awesome!!!! So they'll all eventually become their own new coral? Sorry I'm still a noob and have never had any of my corals do this..... I'll talk buy out later jeeperTy!!!

Remember Ty has those cool orange w/ green. Hold out for a stock trade!

With mine when the new Fungia skeleton gets about 1" it just drops off. I've tried popping them off and they stay very firmly attached until they're ready to let loose, trying to force them just breaks the new skeleton. I have been able to remove some of the larger "polyp bud" structures and glue it to another rock so the growing plate doesn't shade the smaller ones around it but it's very easy to kill it with too much glue.

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