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Why does my skimmer overflow?


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I have had an ASM G2 skimmer for about 2 years now. I bought it used, here on ARC. It has worked great, except about once every four or five months it will spontaneously start overflowing.

It had been working perfectly for months then this morning when I woke up I heard the ATO pump sucking air. I went to look at the tank and found the skimmer overflowing and splashing water out of the sump.

The ATO pumped in the last couple gallons of top off water in to replace the spilled water and now my SG is down to 1.21. I cleaned up the mess and turned the skimmer back on and it is working fine now.

Any ideas what would make it behave like that?

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My suspicion was the venturi line as well. A cup of warm RO/DI water down the tube usually works for me to clear it out.

My other guess would be something biological trips it out. Perhaps macro going sexual since that seems to be the hip thing right now, or a dying tube worm that is sending out eggs/sperm.

I have the G3 and the G4+. I've only had it spill over when I used 2-part epoxy and one time when my tube worm did his swan song and released gametes into the water.

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I agree, venturi line. My Nautilus EX had an overflowing fit the other day, when I pulled it to clean it I found a chunk of salt hanging out in the venturi line. Cleaned her up, running good now. Ty is right. A cup of warm rodi sucked through the airline intake will help a lot. Just stick the end of the air hose in the water and let the skimmer suck it up. Good to clear most venturi line blockages.

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The air line does make sense. I just shut it off as fast as possible to stop the splashing, but I don't think I saw any bubbles in it. I think it was just water being pumped straight up through the top. I'll have to make sure and double check the air line and give it a good cleaning when I get home tonight. When it happens again i'll try to remember to check if there are any bubbles and look at the air line before shutting it off. Fortunately it rarely happens, but that makes it harder to troubleshoot.

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Is there a chance your topoff faulted and raised the water level causing the skimmer to overflow?

I have admittedly found my skimmer overflowing about 3 times in the past 2 years with zero changes in the tank conditions. 2 times it happened early in the morning, 1 time it was in the evening. None were around any addition including food, or even around the time I did a water change.

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Spawning will also trigger skimmer freak outs. But it won't be just clear water running through the cup. It will be foamy, weird colored, stinky, nasty smelling stuff. If you had just water, then the venturi is clogged. either the airline itself, or the venturi fitting.

Or, you could have accidentally bumped the adjustment valve, and turned your skimmer into Old Faithful (not that I have ever done that, no way, nope............did you know a coralife skimmer can shoot water all the way to the bottom of the tank?)

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Um, every three months? You mean you can get away with that?! I have to pull mine every month and run them in acidified water. Skimmer cups get cleaned daily. What's the trick to every three months..........please do tell!

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Um, every three months? You mean you can get away with that?! I have to pull mine every month and run them in acidified water. Skimmer cups get cleaned daily. What's the trick to every three months..........please do tell!

Dang - cleaned daily on a 75g? Is it skimming really wet? Seems like a bit much...

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I only empty the cup once a week... I dry skim. The 3 months was the hot RODI water down the air line and checking to make sure all is clean. I wouldn't run a Skimmer if I had to do it as often as you Sherita. This is a hobby not a chore for me...

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I agree that it could be a water level issue or a clogging issue. I notice that the neck of my skimmer builds up gunk like artery walls collecting cholesterol you see in commercials.I take a toothbruth to some of it, while the skimmer is running, everytime I clean the cup. It just attaches to bubbles and goes into the cup.

I clean my collection cup about once every 14 days and clean the skimmer every 6 months. Sherita, if you want to clean the cup less, then you can drill a drain line in the cup and attach it to a milk jug or 5g bucket.

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