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Moving day is almost here


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Well, this week (Thursday evening) I'm finally starting the tank move. My plan is to move all the livestock Thursday night, and keep them in containers (still need to figure that out) Thursday night through maybe Sunday while I get the tank set back up in the new place. I'm now loving out in Pflugerville or is it Round Rock, my address is in Round Rock, but I'm in Pflugerville, very odd. The tank itself will be moved Friday, prey no mishaps there!!!!

I've very exited about having my tank back with me, but I am pretty bummed about the state it has gotten to over the last couple months. I've lost every one of my SPS and most of my LPS, so looks like I'll be pretty much starting over with most of my coral. thumbsdown.gif But staying positive I will do it all better this time around.

So my thinking is that I set up a couple (2 or 3) containers, probably plastic tubs, and "plumb" them together with hose to keep water circulation, pH, Salinity and heat consistent across all with ample water volume and hopefully less stress on the fish and coral. The biggest issue I see with this is having the same basic water flow from each container so the levels stay the same. Ideally I'd have two or three of the same pumps, expecting they would have the same "default" GPH. Anyone have any input on this? Or even some "matched" pumps I can borrow for a few days? Or is this just my being a little overkill?

I got some good advise on my previous thread about moving stuff, any other input on moving or keeping the livestock out of the main tank few a few days? Any help would be great!



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If I were you I would try to find a 100g tub to use instead of several inline... I think that is an accident waiting to happen. I thought club or at least some members may have one they can loan you... Worst case, I have a 55g barrel I use for water changes I can lend you for a few days.....

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yeah, i'd be worried about plumbing three together with three different pumps. unless they were all adjustable and you can check on them frequently to make sure they are all staying about level and not about to overflow. if you don't mind cutting holes in them and can set them up at different heights you can use PVC to make some overflows and step it down to the bottom tube and pump it back up to the top one.

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Well the move is over, but the tank is far from done/ready. What a pain moving is in general, add a tank with live stock.... yeah, not a lot of fun. Very sadly I lost at least one fish, my Potters Angel. He was a cool fish, was out a lot and technically it was my daughters, as she "named" him. She was crushed. I'm pretty sure he will not be the only loss once all is said and done. Being my first aquarium move I learned a lot. I got some good feed back when I originally posted asking for input on how to best move a tanks livestock, and it was all good info, but there was at least ONE big thing that I should have done but did not..... have some sort of power for at least a heater, maybe even a small pump. The issue was that I did the move, I did not have a choice, in the evening, and with limited equipment and just myself it took quite a while to move rock, coral and fish from the house to the 37g containers I had waiting in the jeep. The water got pretty cold. Then a slow drive from Steiner Ranch to Pflugerville added just that much more time to water getting colder and colder.

The fish and coral are now in a 50g pond I picked up from HomeDepot, so far it seems to be working well. Trying to keep the water parameters in check while I ready the tank in it's new place. There are a few modifications that I want to make before I set it all back up, Couple that with all the other stuff that comes with a move and it will be a few more days, likely this weekend, before I'm even kinda ready to fill the tank back up.

All that said, I am READY to have my tank back up, running and able to enjoy it. I lost a lot of coral over the past month not being able to maintain the tank but that is all behind me, I'll have fun restocking it!

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Well I'm glad the biggest and hardest part is over for you. Are you setting up the 92 again? Did you get a new tank? I can't believe you moved that big tank alone.

I'm gearing up to move mine. I've been losing coral too and it's so frustrating! I'll be sure to have some heaters and pumps on hand, that's good advice!

Good luck with everything else!

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Unless I can find a good deal on a bigger tank with dimensions I like, yes the 92 will be set back up. Having the heaters and pumps is good, but the issue I had was no way to provide power to those in the vehicle. Needed/need an adapter to run AC off the car bat or some other solutions.

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