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SPS Frags updated pricing


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I really need my frag rack cleared so with the remaing frags I will do 3 frags for 20.00 or 2 frags for 10.00

1. German Blue Digi $10

2. German Blue Digi $10

3. German Blue Digi $10

4. Jeremy Green Digi (Got from Ty) $15.00 Pending Wardlaw

5. Green and purple birds nest $10.00

6. Green and Purple birds nest $5.00

7. Pink and purple birds nest $10.00

8. Pink and Purple birds nest $10.00

9 Pink Jade Acro $10.00 Pending Wardlaw I can cut another piece same size same price

SpsSALE1_zpse7d3ab91.jpg SpsSALE2_zpsc578448f.jpg SpsSALE3_zpsb16a0171.jpg

Jeremy mini colony Not for Sale Jermy_zpsd8675129.jpg

German Blue Colony Not For Sale Blue_zpsda46c6a8.jpg

Pink Jade Colony Not for Sale NewJan118_zpsc75e182c.jpg

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