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Upgrading tank


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I am going to start upgrading to a 6 foot tank in the next month. I have a couple questions.

1. Should a start over will all dry rock or get rid of the crap rock OR combine my good live rock now with dry rock?

2. With either of the above options can I transfer all live stock right away?

3. If I do the combined method I am going to the hydraulic cement method. I was then going to place the done pieces is a tub for a few days in case of die would 2-3 days be enough time in tub ?

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When I upgraded, I used my existing rock and added dry rock. Note that the dry rock can sometimes leech phosphates - so it's good to start soaking it in RO DI- or use something in your filter that will remove phosphates (which is what I did). If you're going to transfer all your live rock - are you going to have any livestock in your existing tank? If so, I would wait until your new tank is set up because removing your rocks will also remove your biological filter and ammonia will skyrocket resulting in bad mojo. When I transferred my live rock - I didn't have any die off as I kept my live rock in the old tank until transfer. Good luck!!! p.s. Mr. Saltwater Tank has a book that can help - https://www.mrsaltwatertank.com/move-upgrade/

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Each of my cemented pieces "cured" in a tub for a few days before I added them back to the display. Worked great. Just make sure you use only fresh mixed cement. Once it's firm, don't try to reuse it, because it will come apart eventually.

Get rid of any live rock you don't want, definitly keep some. I put the unsightly pieces in my sump, to keep their filtration bacteria

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I was planning on transferring everything at once in 1 day after all the rock was in tubs for a few days. I will keep about 30-50 lbs of the rock iam not going to keep in current tank for bio load will that be enough?. current tank is a 75 gallon . Fish wise 1 yellow tang 1 dwarf lion 1clown 2 green chromis 1 fire fish 1 scooter blenny 1 6 line.

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Do you have enough time to soak the new rock in used tank water (as in after a water change)?

If you have the time I suggest soaking your new rock in a tub with a pump, a little sand from current display (you can also add any new substrate in a small tup with holes in the top), and some post water change "waste" water. Let the waste water set for a few hours and the detritus will settle out.

A few weeks and a few 20% water changes later and voilla! This, along with an extended photoperiod is a lot better start for your new rock and tank than striaght out of a non-cycled tub IMO. Three weeks isn't going to grow much if any algae, but if it does just shut the lights down to a few hrs a day.

With this method you also won't have much risk of a bloom with such a large amount of "fresh" water since on moving day you'll have plenty of cycle water to work with if you choose.

Saw this method on another site and it seemed to work quite well when I moved (from old house to new house and into bigger tank at same time).

Good luck!

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