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Connecting to apex from internet

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Ok so recently I got a netgear wireless adapter (wnce2001) for my apex so I could control it from my phone. I linked it to my netgear wireless router (wnr2000) and can connect to it and can control it from my phone when I'm on my wifi only. I have gone through the port forwarding process on the netgear router set up and have forwarded the apex port and ip but I still can not access my dang apex off the wifi. Any ideas? I have time warner internet and an apex light and would like to make the apex app for iPhone work if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance for any help.

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I will take a screen shot of both when I get home and post them. I will see if I can find wireless client seperation on the router but I'm not sure how I would go about looking at/changing settings on the adapter. I only have an iPhone, android tablet and smart phone to do all my settings from lol

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Shoot that looks fine to me.

There's a slew of forum discussion on port forwarding not working on this model. Search for "wnr2000 port forwarding not working" on google.

I can definitely ping your public IP address so either your router or Apex is responding. But I cannot connect to port 80. Get a Error 110: Connection timed out when trying to connect to 80.

I wonder if your modem is blocking port 80 so it's not even hitting your router or Apex.

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I can definitely ping your public IP address so either your router or Apex is responding. But I cannot connect to port 80. Get a Error 110: Connection timed out when trying to connect .

Ok, I'm a little scared of you now. I'm going to be sure to stay on your good side.

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Also, lets see the interface for your repeater, and for your ISP router... chances are you're up against the difference between gateway and router mode. In gateway mode, the data is passed from the internet, through your cable modem, into a dedicated home router. In router mode, the modem acts as a security device, content filter, router, and switch. If your ISP's router is setup in 'router mode' you'll have a lot of problems passing traffic without a static route or putting your home router in the dmz. Also, you've verified the IP addresses you're using, correct?

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That is the Same message I get jestep. When I google it your right it looks like there is quite a few other problems.

Esacjack, I have the cable coming in through a modem provided by time warner, it is an Aaris model dg860 modem. From there it's plugged into my netgear router and nothing else. I also apoligize but I was not able to find my statefull packet inspections or firewall settings earlier. Also you ask for my interface for my netgear and time warner routers, not to sure what your needing or where to look lol. I'll post a screenshot of the whats my ip thing but someone pls let me know if I'm posting to much information that someone could use against me!

I read that some internet providers block certain ports so just for the sake of it I tried multiple ones and none worked so I'm back at 80 again


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