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Big Net?


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Does anyone know where I can buy one or the fabric, I'll trying to catch all my fish to get them out of the display tank and moved into a quarantine tank.

What I want to do is kind of go fishing by placing the net/fabric around the edges of the tank covering the rock and when the fish are swimming in the middle start raising the net on the sides to closed them in then getting them out.

Any ideas, I've been able to catch only two with the bottle trap

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when I was removing all the fish from my 175g I built a divider out of 1/2 pvc and attached the BRS screening to it with zip ties. This way I could corral a fish to one end where I'd removed all the rock and slide the divider down and form a small area that made it 1000% easier to catch in a regular net. I made the frame so that it was just a little wider that the tank and reached the surface. This way it was sure to block any escape from the front or back and over the top. Unfortunately I trashed it...not thinking someone else may need it.


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