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WP-40 issue

Chad and Belinda

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I got my WP40 from a group buy here on ARC about 7 months ago. I noticed last week that the flow was very low...less than 20% and it was on full blast. I have the sensor in. During the day the flow is bad. At night, it stops running all together. The other day I pulled the pump out and cleaned it. It ran great. The next day it was back to usual. I was thinking maybe it was a controller issue. However, the fact that it worked right for a day after I cleaned it confuses me. Any ideas?

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I had an similar issue, but not exactly the same and it ended up being a bad power supply. I bought a new one on Amazon for around $12 and it now works perfectly again. If you know someone that lives out close to you have has one, borrow their power supply and see if that solves your problem before buying a new one off Amazon.

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If you don't have anyone out there with one, I do have an extra I could loan you for a day or so...

I may take you up on that. It ticks me off that we have issues and we haven't had them more than 7 or 8 months. However, when it is working right I really, really like it. Just hope this is a one time fluke.

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