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Skimmer acting funny, ideas?


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Posted this on RC also but I figured why not here too.

********PLEASE NOTE: This is not a "should I run a skimmer or not?" Thread. Please let's not start a debate on their worth in a reef, that's not my question.

I've got a 3 month old or so bubble magus curve 5 I purchased brand new. It's been awesome. Love it.

Basic tank info

55 gallon display 15 gal sump

Bio pellets

Gfo & carbon in dual reactor.

Lots of rock and flow

2 year old tank mixed reef mostly sps

Skimmer sits in 9 inches of water (manufacturer recommends 9.5-11") so if anything it should UNDER skim

Again I've had no complaints at all till now. Yesterday it was overflowing. I normally have the skim set right in the middle. I thought that's odd so I turned it to its driest setting and it still overflows. I turned it off and then back on, still it overflows. So I think...maybe it'll calm down overnight so I just unplug the drain cap and let it run. I wake up...still overflowing

So I figure well I haven't cleaned it yet, so I'll try that...even though a dirty skimmer will under skim not over skim. Just finished taking it apart entirely and scrubbing everything. It wasn't even that dirty. Plugged back in. Instantly overflows. I'm out of ideas

No major fish or coral deaths in the tank that I've noticed, and I've done a 20% water change this week. I haven't increased my feedings either. I have no idea what's going on. Will this likely pass? Should I cease my bio pellets until the skimmer stops doing this? Worse part is I'm about to leave town for a few days

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Yes...and that normally makes the skimmer go nuts...but on that, it was already overflowing before I epoxied 3 frags down, so, while that may have exacerbated it, I can rule it out as the cause...plus, my skimmer has always calmed down a couple hours after doing that...this is now 24 hours. I also may have replaced a patch of substrate yesterday...also after the skimmer was going haywire. If I had to guess I'd say it was about 20% maybe less. Out with crushed coral in with a mixture of well rinsed and clean Fiji pink and special grade. Again. All this was done after the skimmer was going nuts. I had planned that bit of maintenance for yesterday well in advanced and finished it with a 20% water change

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I appreciate the ideas so far. Air line had a bit of salt creep in it but it wasnt clogged. I took this thing apart, and i mean apart. Impeller assembly and all. took apart the air silencer, this thing looks brand new now. Scrubbed like mad. Still overflowing. Water level is steady, same as usual. Only things I cant test for are nitrate and phosphate. I dont have those tests, usually just let my corals and algae growth tell me whats going on there. Everything looks fine. I even physically lifted the skimmer up to see when it would stop overflowing and it only stopped when the water was literally below the pump line (theoretically in about 3" of water). There are no obstructions preventing water from leaving the base where the adjuster pipe outlet is. Everything looks as it should. I've even got it isolated now (return pump off,just running in the sump at its normal water level and it's still going nuts. I wonder what it is. I'm keeping it at the lowest setting and if the drain cap was off the cup fills in about 10 second. if i turn it up any the drain line cant even keep up it fills so fast

Edited by Bpb
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Do you see any water level change inside the skimmer when you adjust the air or is it just immediately overflow as soon as you plug it in? Is it possible the air adjustment knob is blocked inside or broken inside? I've never cleaned up in there on mine so I'm not sure if it's possible for anything to get up in there or not.

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I actually don't have an air adjustment on this skimmer, just the vertical wedge pipe that either keeps water in the chamber or lets more out. It's functioning with no blockage. I physically disassembled it to inspect and can visibly see the flow of water coming out when it's open all the way. Water level does indeed raise and lower when I adjust. It goes from either overflowing constantly enough to fill the cup in about 10 seconds on the lowest setting and it is a full on gush that has the cap hopping around on the max setting.

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