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Anyone have any experience with Sea Whips?


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I had one melt away on me last week and it took my metallic green cap with it (which was showing all kinds of new growth and doing really well up until that point). I was supposed to receive three and two are back ordered and should arrive soon. Now I'm a bit afraid to put them in the DT and am considering cancelling the order to changing it something else. They are supposed to be photosynthetic and it was actually looking good with polyps extended up until it crashed and burned. Is there anything special I should be doing with these gorgonians? I've got them on the bottom in full light and intermittent flow. Would a shot of Coral Frenzy once or twice a week be required (no doubt it would help them). I usually don't feed my corals much since I feed the fish once daily. Suggestions?

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I've had lots of gorgonians over the years and haven't actually lost one. I'm not sure what happened and I wish I had some advice :/ I've found them to be pretty easy. When they don't like conditions, mine have just closed up for a while like leathers do, then shed, then come out fresh and new and adjusted. I'd almost think something stung yours. Is that a possibility?

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It was off by itself with only a branching monti about 5 inches from it. Nothing else even close. I had it on the backside of my rock which on a bow front is right under the light so I know the lighting was good. The light is set to peak at 70% blue (now backed down to 65%) and 48% white so I don't think I fried it.

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