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Ricordea Mushrooms Missing


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So I have had two Ricordeas disappear on me over night on two separate occasions!? It is frustrating because they are so awesome looking and for the life of me I just don't know what is happening!? Both times I glued them to a plug and of course they just seem to remove themselves. I have heard they do that? Now, my one theory is that the anemone ate them? Could this have happen? Could they have been stung to smithereens? I have a chalice that gets some loooooong sweepers at night. I need some resolution. 35 bucks down the drain!!! Agh!!

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did they disappear within a day or so of glueing them to the plug? Glue will not hold mushrooms or ricordia. You are better off wedging them softly between 2 objects for a few days, 1 being what you want them to attach too, and they will generally grab ahold and stay. If they floated away, my guess is they are behind your rock work in a low flow dead zone area...

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Fire shrimp don't eat shrooms. They probably floated into a crevice. They may have dissolved or you may one day move a rock and find them hiding there. Best way to secure a mushroom of any sort is with rubber band or some kind of mesh.

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I have had one that disappeared too, but I think it went in between the rocks and then the sandsifting goby covered it up.

Now the ones I have that are mounted to plugs, sometimes they shrink up VERY small, but they are still there. I have always attached any frags to the plugs using a rubber band. Glue won't hold those things on for anything with the slime they produce.

I am sure they are still in your tank somewhere, I hear they are almost impossible to kill as well.

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I've bleached one into oblivion, but otherwise they're pretty bulletproof. Do you have any other inverts in the tank?

If they're disappearing only at night there could be a predator or opportunistic invert that's taking them out. Emerald crabs or even hermits are definitely possibilities. Gorilla crab if one hitchhiked into the tank somehow. Eunicid worm if you have one in the tank.

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