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Will my montipora frags recover?


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Sorry, no pic. I have some small monitpora plates Ty gave me that I really damaged when I lost heat in the tank on two occasions. They are only a few squares inches across each and they are 95% bleached white. Do they have any chance of regaining their color or are they goners? :(

They get good light and my water parameters are otherwise stable and centered.

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Can you see the polyps extending, that will tell you if there is and where there is live tissue? Like Ty said they should recover but I once saw a monti frag that had bleached out then grown from a 1" frag to a colony over 2" dia without coloring up. It can also be several to many weeks before you start to see any significant recovery.

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That's a good question and here's my go at defining it. "Receding" or "Tissue loss" are similar in that the coral colony for some reason is loosing tissue.

"Tissue loss" is more generic and typically is used for any dieoff anywhere on a colony.

"Receding" is more commonly used when the loss is around the edges of a colony. With bleached colonies initially it may be difficult to tell if there has been any receding of the tissue as the part that's still alive and the part where there has been some death both look white but over a short period algae will start growing in the exposed skeleton discoloring it. "Receding" may also occur naturally in healthy colonies as the colony grows and shades the tissue around the lower parts to the extend it dies from lack of light.

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