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75gal rimless Planet Aquarium


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Plumbing is done! Did the dry fit and everything looked great. Cemented the two drain lines and they fit almost perfectly. Got half way done with the return and realized I put one of the 45 on backwards...thank goodness Lowe's is only 5 min away! Water test starts on Saturday!!!


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WOOHOO!!!! No leaks! Filled the tank / sump and turned on the pump. It took about an hour to get the gate valve tuned in just right. All three connections are leak free! On my last tank I redid the plumbing 4 times!!!! This thing is soooo quiet...I plumbed the drains with the herbie method. All I hear is the trickle of water going into the overflow. Right now the pump is a little loud because I've got it connected with the braided poly and it's vibrating up the return line. As soon as I get the silicon tubing that'll get changed out.


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I had to make one small adjustment. The return line ended up slightly short and was causing the pump to be too close to the back wall. I had a piece of PVC stuck between it and the wall so that it wouldn't suck up to the wall. I lengthened it about an inch and got the pump in the perfect spot. Also added the silicon tubing. The overflow box is not very deep so the bubbles that were being created by the water overflowing into it were getting sucked down the main drain causing bubbling noise in the pipes. I took everything off the main drain so that now it's just the bulkhead at the bottom and I raised the water level in the overflow box. Now all you hear is the trickle of the water and a low hum of the pump.



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Are the MP40's too powerful for a 4 ft tank? Not sure if I should downgrade to MP10's or just stick with 40's and run them on lower settings.

I was previously using 1 MP40 and 2 MP10's in my 90. The MP10's were at 100% and the MP40 was probably around 75%. I don't think you'll have problems with that setup. I did switch to a single WP40 which I like a lot more due to the reduced noise.

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Yeah, I posted on the apex forum that I was looking for screen shots that show exactly where to add the programming...nothing tells you where to actually go and which options to select. Everyone assumes you're a pro and can read between the lines.

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Right there with you on that. Every single beginner question I've googled on neptune forums and on major reef forums gets the whole "read and re read the manual" response. At this point I've literally read the 150+ page manual NO LESS than 10 times cover to cover. I get a lot of it, but how to begin is still a mystery. I still don't fully understand virtual outlets or how to set up the 4 different "feed" cycles. Like where to BEGIN with it. Not necessarily what they do

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Bro's, take your questions to the ARC apex forum, we'll get you up and running.

Feed cycles are accomplished inside of each outlet.

For instance, for a return pump you could put:

If FeedA 010 Then OFF
If FeedB 025 Then OFF
If FeedC 010 Then OFF
after your regular code. What those each do is, wait 10 minutes during feed A, and then turn on, or 25 minutes for feed B. You have to program each outlet that way.
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