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Suffering from TSA


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Yes, you read it right. I have Tank Separation Anxiety, pretty badly. It's a very sad condition that NO ONE should have to deal with. I try to ease my pain by visiting my LFS, and that does help, in some ways. In others it make it worse. I sit there and think.... "that cool looking coral would look SO nice in that spot of my tank"... then I have to hold back the tears and anger. Some good news, I have secured a short weekly visitation with my tank masked as MAINTENANCE, that will help, but I long for the day that I can once again see, and touch my tank daily as much as I need/want. At least I have hope!

That I know of there is no treating TSA except reuniting with your tank. If anyone knows of any good ways to even temporarily ease the suffering, I'm all ears.

While this post is in jest... I do miss my tank!

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I honestly can't imagine not having a tank now. Just the thought of it is sad. Almost every time I walk by it I must stop and look in and all over it which I know is at least 6 times a day. I feel for you dude.

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