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T5 4 Bulb configuration


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I wanted to get some input not only on looks but also in coral growth, I currently had two actinic, and two coralife colormax (they're kinda red), I replaced one of these with a 10k.

I like it a little better but I want more of the reds in my tank to pop.

Anyone care to give advice?

Edited by lenver
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Good suggestions in this thread. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/27659-4-bulb-t5ho-combo/?hl=bulb

Not sure if you have other lights in addition to T5 on your tank or if you want supplements for other sources.

I'm running 4 ATI actinic as supplements for my halides right now, wanted more pop and less PAR as the halides are plenty. If I were running T5 alone, I would recommend different bulbs. smile.png Let us know a little more about your tank size, inhabitants, other lighting, etc. smile.png


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I replied on the thread linked, but have completely changed my tune since then. I don't run a purple plus bulb at all anymore. The ATI coral+ has such a strong red presence, I feel like in a 4 bulb setting, a purple+ and a coral+ is excessive in the red spectrum. Since removing the purple+ I've also noticed a decrease in green hair algae growth. Could be a coincidence. The corals have also responded very well. I'm now running 3 blue+ and one coral+. It's definitely a 20000k look with tons of par. If that is too blue, I think two coral+ and two blue+ would be a nice white 14000k look.

I agree with what grog said though, without tracking down your tank journal it's hard to know what to suggest. If you're an acropora or bust type, I'd say the 3 blue+ one coral+...or 2 blue+ 2 coral+ would be your best bet for a 4 bulb combo. If you're into more Lps softies and zoas and want a bit lower par, you could swap one or two bulbs for an ATI true actinic. Those look amazing and will add some serious pop in the greens, but will be lower in par.

I wouldn't run a purple+ in a 4 bulb setting again. It doesn't make your reds any redder, at least it didn't for me. You're just sacrificing valuable par in the 400-500 nm range when using that bulb when you only have 4 slots.

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Ah I remember that video now. Saw it a couple days ago. I stand behind my current recommendation. 2 blue+ 2 coral+ for the win. Plenty of red. Lots of par. Not overly blue. If you get crazy with sps consider changin to a 6-8 bulb fixture in the future

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I agree with Bpb on this.

Go 2 Blue+ and 2 Coral+, good color mix and they will provide better output.

I don't want to be 'that guy', but on a 150 I think 4 T-5 is a bit underpowered. Maybe 6-8 T5 is more in line? That depends on your goals and the dimensions of your tank though. If you have the space, are dead-set on T5, and need the light. (all big ifs)

If so, then adding another 4 bulb fixture, bringing your total to 8 would be beneficial IMO. You will have more PAR, more control over color, more control over duration, etc. 8 bulbs I'd go 3 Blue +, 2 Actinic, 3 Coral +, all being ATI, but I could be tempted to mix a Purple + in when using an 8 bulb array, swapping it for an actinic.

BTW: I'm intentionally not listing other lighting choices (LED, halide, etc) and sticking to T5 as that is what you inquired about.

Ah I remember that video now. Saw it a couple days ago. I stand behind my current recommendation. 2 blue+ 2 coral+ for the win. Plenty of red. Lots of par. Not overly blue. If you get crazy with sps consider changin to a 6-8 bulb fixture in the future

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All great advice here on the T5s. I've been a little out of the game with T5s but was a fan of running 2 coral+, 1 blue+, and one purple+. I didn't notice the GHA issue Bpb noticed with the purple+ but I definitely felt it helped enhance the red coloration in my tank.

I am still a big fan of T5 for an SPS dominant tank but cost of replacing bulbs ultimately had me decide on MH as my lighting choice. Still can't beat those $13 plusrite bulbs.

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I wanted the colors of the corals to pop but I didn't want a Smurf tank. On my T-5 unit I ran 1:1 6500k and 420nm but I found it to be too yellow. I switched out a daylight for an actinic, giving me a 2:1 ratio that I like it better. The little colored pigments in the corals pop nicely but it still looks like natural sunlight.

Removing the 6500k reduced the amount of filament algae and increase my polyp growth. When the 6500k bulbs wear out I will replace them with 10k and replace the 420 with 450nm to give me more of a 14k look.

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I wanted to get some input not only on looks but also in coral growth, I currently had two actinic, and two coralife colormax (they're kinda red), I replaced one of these with a 10k.

I like it a little better but I want more of the reds in my tank to pop.

Anyone care to give advice?

From previous conversations, I know that you have strongly considered LED. Considering 216W of T5 for 150G tank, you are on the very low side of light intensity. I suggest you get a 12K Reef Spectrum lamp from BML. THE REDS, YELLOWS AND BLUES WILL POP. Then use your T5 bulbs to fine tune the effects that you desire.

You will be glad you did.


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Thanks for the input, well what I really want by next year is to get a couple of the kessil fixtures, but that's a long way from now, in the mean time I just replaced one of the blues that I had with a 10K I like the color and seems that I need it for coral growth, but not that happy with the color of the greens and the yellow look of the tank.

I'm thinking of keeping for now those 2 blues and one color max, but maybe change that 10k with a 14K any thoughts?

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Thanks for the input, well what I really want by next year is to get a couple of the kessil fixtures, but that's a long way from now, in the mean time I just replaced one of the blues that I had with a 10K I like the color and seems that I need it for coral growth, but not that happy with the color of the greens and the yellow look of the tank.

I'm thinking of keeping for now those 2 blues and one color max, but maybe change that 10k with a 14K any thoughts?

Weren't you running LED's when I saw you last time? I was considering LED at that time and I remember talking to you about the heat. Not like them?

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Totally jealous you keep discus. I'd love discus in my planted tank but there are no local breeders. Regarding the colormax bulbs I'd remove them if you can and replace them with either a blue+ or a full spectrum bulb. They're kinda similar to the purple+ or the kz fiji purple, but aren't quite as powerful. Excessive red spectrum bulbs will not make the reds pop more. It'll make the whole tank more red. Sure your reds will be red, but what makes reds pop is contrast. On the same token, to get your greens to glow, you're not gonna want to put up a bunch of neon green lighting. It's actually the UV and 400-500 wavelengths that cause greens to fluoresce, not the green portion of the spectrum. Just food for thought. Since we're discussing 4 bulb combos (I stilll think you need more for your tank size, but thats not the topic), I really think if you want to maximize growth you'll want to focus on what bulbs have been tried and true, and proven to provide adequate par in the right spectrum. The bonus is that it'll look good too.

The ATI Coral+ bulb is my favorite T5HO bulb on the market right now. I love it. 2 of those together will give you about as much red intensity as ONE purple+ bulb, but they will also provide full spectrum, not JUST a bump in the reds. I've tried out ALOT of different bulbs thanks to taking freebies off members on the forum. There are other good bulbs if you don't want to go all ATI. UVL, KZ, and giesemann make great bulbs as well, but the ATI are the cheapest, and actually have slightly higher par than their competitors do. It's a no brainer for me.

To date I've tried/tested out:

UVL Super Actinic

UVL 75.25

Giesemann Aquablue+

Giesemann Actinic

Giesemann Actinic+

Zoomed actinic

Zoomed 10000k

Aquaticlife 450/420

Aquaticlife 10000k

Giesemann midday

Coralife Colormax

Coralife 6500k

ATI Blue+

ATI Purple+

Ati Coral+

ATI Aquablue Special

ATI True Actinic

And some more cheapo bulbs that I cannot even recall the name of

I've settled on the ATI Blue+/Coral+ combination that I currently use because the spectrum advertised, very high par per watt compared to the others, real world comparison I have personally done, and they're cheaper, imagine that. I think your best bet is to actually take a day (probably gonna irritate your tank), see if you can find anyone with any old bulbs they're tossing or willing to let go for cheap, and try out an assortment. A picture is worth a thousand words, but unfortunately, pictures of reef tanks are like playing telephone, words aren't always right. Best to see in person.

Also agree with patrick. Use whatever T5 bulbs you like, but if you put a BML 12 or 14k strip over the tank that would be like adding another couple T5 bulbs of full spectrum.

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#1 55G lagoon has 65 PAR at the bottom of tank using 216W of T5. The horticulture grow lights produce more PAR in the lower kelvin color then comparable reef lights. I will extrapolate and say that reef spectrum bulbs would produce 30 PAR.

#2 55G lagoon has 95 PAR at the bottom of tank using 70W BML at 12K Reef Spectrum.

This one 4' lamp will output more PAR then six 4' T5 lamp at 1/3 of the electricity.


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As color rendition number goes down, the PAR goes up. I can not say that unequivocally for LED.

While PAR is a number that describes photons of light energy within an accepted spectrum range that is called "photosynthetic active range", it does not tell you which exact spectrum is in the number. Our corals and out macros are our best evaluation of lighting. The polyp extension of your flowers is your best gauge of successful lighting.


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I like how the zoas are extending to get the light and even the mushrooms, I just not a great fan of the yellow light, it's not bad but it doesn't make me happy either, I think I need to play more with the bulbs and leave that 10k in there and see if I can place another bulb to make that yellow not that prevalent.

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