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Blueberry Sea Fan


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I looked into these a couple years ago when I was really into nps corals. They have terrible survival rates but I remember there were some promising results with the Fauna Marin foods. Those seem to be what the best nps tank keepers use. The blueberry gorgs are sure beautiful! I'm interested to see how they do!

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Yeah, they are doing well, the tunicates, sponges, and fans. Not to jinx it but the red tree sponge is my survival surprise. I didn't expect it to be so happy but it looks better than when it came in.

I'm kind of torn on ordering this one. Part of me says, "yeah", and another part is saying, "run away". Some folks are saying this species doesn't enjoy light at all, as they are deeper-water species, and I don't wan to muck with my halides. And I'm reading more loss stories than success stories....

I'll sleep on it and hope someone else orders them tonight so I don't have to make a decision.rofl.gif

Not to get too far off of my own topic but, I've put some fan and whip frags in my sump, next to the inflow and they are loving it.

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