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Banghai Cardinal I believe is pregnant


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Out of sheer curiosity and as potential side hobby, I bought two Banghai cardinals and decided if I lucked out and got a male and female, I would breed them one day down the line.

Lo and behold, today the smaller of the two didn't eat a single bite of all of those tasty looking mysid shrimp floating by him. I took a closer look and his mouth is bulging at the bottom. The banghai cardinals are mouth brooders and so this looks like a good sign.

I doubt I'll do anything with the first brood as I am not setup for it yet but am excited knowing I got a breeding pair! Made my night!


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Are they in a display tank? It's very difficult catching viable Banghai babies in a DT. The male keeps them until the yolk sacks are depleted and trying catch him to get them out of his mouth too early will damage a significant number so they are going to have problems surviving. Waiting too long and he releases all of them and they'll get caught or eaten pretty quick.

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Here's what the mating pair will go in one day once the new tank is setup.


For now, hatch or not, they will get eaten up regardless unless one of them miraculously makes it into the sump. I doubt they will even grow to term as the male is not full grown yet and from what I read, they have better success when they are full grown and fattened up a bit before they brood the eggs in their mouths. He will probably swallow them up and abort early. Can't wait to get the new system up and setup the new breeder box. This is going to be a fun side project.

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Here's what the mating pair will go in one day once the new tank is setup.


For now, hatch or not, they will get eaten up regardless unless one of them miraculously makes it into the sump. I doubt they will even grow to term as the male is not full grown yet and from what I read, they have better success when they are full grown and fattened up a bit before they brood the eggs in their mouths. He will probably swallow them up and abort early. Can't wait to get the new system up and setup the new breeder box. This is going to be a fun side project.

I don't think it's going to hold water like that

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