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KimP - one spot foxface $37, fighting conch $9

Lorien - slender filefish $25

Sasha - one spot foxface $17

subsea - 4 hippos $160

Nwehrman - dartfish trio $70, fighting conch $9

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Thanks Kim for handling the order - my dart fish trio swam away and hid but one came out just before I did night feeding but of course swam away when it saw me. So hopefully tomorrow they emerge - my conch hasn't moved much but is sinking in the sand so ... Will monitor that.

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Thanks for putting the order together Kim.

It took me two and a half hours to get home last night, but my foxface looks to be in good shape. I gave him an hour acclimation period and released him at lights out. Hopefully the lights don't come on to my dismay. Their tough little guys!

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Yeah I was pretty worn out by the time I got home. The foxface should be okay though. They're known to survive whole tank crashes and some people have documented using them to cycle new tanks because their constitution is so high.

It was nice to finally meet you and see your tank. It looks great!

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