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Diving back in


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Great to find an Austin group.

I find myself getting back into the hobby seriously. I've kept a 55 gallon reef for years under I downsized to a 14g biocube - worried about babies getting into trouble and preparing a house to sell. That was 6 years ago. We've moved and even built my house around a tank room, ever planning on building my next tank.

My biocube sat on my office desk all this time with some minimal corals and an anemone. last Friday it started to leak. I quickly hauled all the water, rock and critters home and re-set up a 35g hex I've never been able to get rid of. Looks like everything is handling a quick move well. The anemone came from a gulf rig 10 years ago and all I was really concerned with.

And so I'm ready to start my big-to-me tank (I think 90g with my old 55 as a sump). Maybe keep the hex where it is since my wife likes it there.

Wish me luck in keeping it under control.

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Welcome to the site and good luck with your build.

See, there are totally reasons i hold to all these tanks honey! For leaks! Wait, they don't leak that often..... lets stop talking....

smile.png Welcome!

you never call me honey any more... sniffle sniffle...

but he still talks to you.

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