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Sometimes you just snap . . .


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Guess he won't be nipping on his mantle anymore.

I've watched a lot of dwarf angels around clams and corals over the years and have only once seen a Coral Beauty eat a single Frogspawn polyp. All four of the dwarfs (well, now three laugh.png ) in this tank at various times were seen picking particles off the surface of the clam. Not picking at the edges or at the fringe around exit syphon. Never has any damaged been observed on this clam. Besides a Coral Beauty I have also observed a Regal Angel, Long Nose Tang (Z. rostrum), Powder Brown and Powder Blue Tangs attack and eat corals. In every instance none of the fish were at all shy about RIPPING chunks off the animal in question. They also were very deliberate in the selection of polyps and left others next to the ones being eaten alone. Based on what I've seen in my tanks over the years I'm inclined to think dwarf angels are beneficial to reef systems by removing damaged or diseased animals.

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I have a Midnight Angel that has taken 2 of my clams out by nipping until they die. I just put a new ORA Derasa in yesterday and guess what, he was nipping again.

Took most of the rock work down to get him out, but he is now in another tank. I wish my clam would have taken him out like yours did, would have saved me the trouble lol.

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