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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Whoop! Fish back in the tank! I bet that's a good feeling having happy fish back in the tank and getting back to normal. I'm looking forward to the day when I have happy SPS again. 7 months feels like a long time since I've had happy SPS nopity.gif

Get out of my head!

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Whoop! Fish back in the tank! I bet that's a good feeling having happy fish back in the tank and getting back to normal. I'm looking forward to the day when I have happy SPS again. 7 months feels like a long time since I've had happy SPS nopity.gif

Get out of my head!
All I got to say is it looked all downhill at first with my upgrade. The SPS were dying and I could see no end to it. Persevere fellas, it'll come full circle again and you'll have thriving SPS tanks again. [emoji106]
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They get tossed around pretty good but you're right, no actual direct flow. Funny thing though, once my clowns made it back in the tank, the tentacles got shorter again. Hopefully, it'll continue this trend.

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That could be it too. It may just be movement in general that BTAs look for when extending their tentacles. If you think about an anemone in nature getting stuck in a place with low flow, they have a better chance of survival if they stretch their tentacles out to grab more food or find where a current is where they have a higher chance of snagging a meal. The clownfish may help simulate that feeling of tentacle movement.

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And 8 days after being reunited with their anemone... they're at it again.


FTS with the middle light off. I really liked that clam but after getting rid of it, the middle is so much more open again. It really emphasizes that chasm in the middle of my tank.


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I agree, the negative space looks great!

Thanks Jim! I rocked (pun intended) the neverending rock wall in my last tank for 3 years. It's nice to have a tank big enough to utilize negative space as well... even though I always have to fight the part of me that wants to lay down more rock so I can attach more SPS colonies! [emoji86]

Gig'em, if you're serious, I can see if I can add a flat tile where they lay and start timing the hatch cycle. That way I can hit you up the night before they should hatch and pull the tile for you. Let me know sir.

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I am pretty serious about it, not anytime soon with the wedding coming up and the fish room is still a mess with roommate junk, but I am slowly building up my pod factory tank and am looking to start rotifer and algae farms. Get rid of the bettas, set up the fry grow out tanks, and then I'll be ready to try my hand at raising clownfish fry. If only your mating mandarins were still alive!

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I am pretty serious about it, not anytime soon with the wedding coming up and the fish room is still a mess with roommate junk, but I am slowly building up my pod factory tank and am looking to start rotifer and algae farms. Get rid of the bettas, set up the fry grow out tanks, and then I'll be ready to try my hand at raising clownfish fry. If only your mating mandarins were still alive!

If the mandarins were still alive, I may not have offered to collect the eggs anyways. They were pelagic spawners... for me to time when they were mating and the capture of the eggs before the other fish eat them would be very difficult indeed. I like you... but I don't like anybody THAT much! whistle.gif

I'll add a pair again one day once the pod population starts to build up again. In the mean time, I'll epoxy a tile over the spot the clownfish spawn at after this clutch hatches and see if they'll start spawning on it in anticipation of you recovering from the wedding planning and honeymoon fun and can settle down to be a fish farmer.

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Is that one of the mariculture colonies from rca? The aquascaping looks sweet I saw you are selling those colonies on the left, are you Gona have to get rid of the rocks they are on or will they come off?

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Is that one of the mariculture colonies from rca? The aquascaping looks sweet I saw you are selling those colonies on the left, are you Gona have to get rid of the rocks they are on or will they come off?

This one mari was from Aquatek. I was just cruising by the store and dropped in just to check out their fish and saw that beauty and had to have it.

The colonies on the left are actually just sitting on top of the rocks. I can move them around at will. Nothing like being able to move basketball/volleyball sized colonies around at leisure. Haha.

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Lol Ty be like "it's alright guys, my tank is just awesome because it's so stable and I never change anything. Now watch me make massive changes to my overall bioload in a short period of time while adding a humongous UV sterilizer and also removing the largest ca and alk sucker in the tank. All at once. Best PE ever"

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You guys are hilarious! Thanks for the comments guys.

How do I get PE like that? Well, it helps that some of them are milles and they love to polyp out. Honestly, I'm sure it's a combination of things but if I had to pick one, I'd say it's the amount I feed.

Before everyone starts dumping tons of food in their tanks, I also aggressively remove nitrates, phosphates, and overskim... so my ability to export a lot of the food waste is as high as my desire to dump all that food in there. I also believe that my lack of mechanical filtration helps, as I'm sure there are tons of particles in the water all the time to warrant a reason for the polyps to always be so fully out. To stack on that, no water changes and no siphoning of detritus probably keeps them in the system. I do dose aminos 2x a week, like Jim said, neon green Red Sea Energy B so my corals can grow up strong like the hulk!

I had the same polyp extension in my 125-gallon tank as well and I've used basically the same methodology.

-heavy feeding (feeding fish and micro foods like reef frenzy... I don't feed corals directly... just broadcast micro foods in water)

-heavy export (biopellets for nitrates, GFO for phosphates, GAC for toxins and organics, giant overrated skimmer rated roughly 2x more than system)

-aminos 2x a week

-no water changes

-no mechanical filtration

-MH lighting

-calcium reactor to replace the foundation elements (Ca, alk, Mg)

I will say that we as reefers have a very difficult job of trying to emulate nature... to have the abundance of food on a natural reef without the nutrient issues that come with that in a closed system. So I just do the best I can to replicate that... tons of food, and then heavy export.

New to this system is the addition of UV but I was honestly getting PE like that before the UV. I will say that some polyps appear to have come out even more once starting UV but it may be pure coincidence so I wouldn't assign a direct correlation there just quite yet.

Anyways, thanks for the comments guys. It helps keep me motivated to pump out reef videos... knowing that people actually take time to watch them is nice. It really is just another outlet for me to enjoy this hobby.

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Lol Ty be like "it's alright guys, my tank is just awesome because it's so stable and I never change anything. Now watch me make massive changes to my overall bioload in a short period of time while adding a humongous UV sterilizer and also removing the largest ca and alk sucker in the tank. All at once. Best PE ever"

I swear you keep a reef log on my tank to bust me when possible! shifty.gif Either that or you're really good at scanning my build thread backwards!

Believe it or not, I lowered my CaRX dosing by increasing my pH level up 0.05 to anticipate the lack of uptake from the non-existent clam and my alk started to drop. This leads me to believe that in a system that in a normal mixed reef system, clams, especially giant ones, are usually the most alk/Ca hungry individuals in the tank, but in a dominant SPS tank, it's usage is high but the net usage in comparison to the SPS colonies is not that pronounced in comparison.

I have a 14" long, 7" wide colony of warp speed monti that says it'll eat more Ca/alk in a day than my clam could. Be it known though... that the warp speed monti is kind of a jerk. devil.gif

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