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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Me too. I just heard Ty is going to have big bowls of vermicelli with char pork and egg rolls at his house for his tank unveiling. I expect jasmine iced tea as well sir :)

Maybe we can talk esacjack into bringing BBQ as well.

Edit: yippee I just noticed I got the first post on page 50 on the epic farmer,overtighten,jeeperty 215 tank build bonanza!!!!!

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Jeeper you may need to consider a career change to engineering, you're getting the hang of it ...

Don't say the "E" word Jim!

Well, running down that train of thought and not being able to let things go. I removed the SSR from the sheet metal and totally isolated it. Then put the two red cables back in and it triggered "high mode" again. This is without any other cables attached but just the two red cables. I think I have a malfunctioning SSR! The two VAC terminals are not isolated.

To confirm this, I put it in-line with my MHs and before I could even put the 9-volt battery to activate the SSR to open the VAC connection, the MH light had already come on... despite the supposedly closed switch.

Bummer, I'll have to get a replacement. At least I'm not crazy...

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Jeez, I take a break from ARC for one night to enjoy some spooktacular entertainment and this happens!

If you guys missed out on the meeting I hosted in the Spring, then you missed out in spring rolls and egg rolls I had brought in. I'll try to host again this Spring. No naso sushi on the menu though... they're too pretty... maybe a lawnmower blenny or something.

Page 50? How come Tapatalk says 99? I wonder who will be the magic 1st post of page 100 of all this gibberish that is my build thread. Maybe there will be a special treat... or trick.

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Hey, slow down over there Ty! No finishing up your build before me! (It looks really good btw!)

Since I wanted to give KimP a chance to play catchup whistle.gif on her build, I decided to just enjoy the tank this weekend and take a ridiculous amount of videos of it.

Feeding time - about how much I normally feed nightly 5x a week, the other two days I feed an assortment of pellets and flakes.

Feeding response from my corals (mesenterial filaments from my acro, feeders from the LPS, and a couple shots of anemones)

Dosing Red Sea Energy B aminos + vitamins (it's like TMNT secret of the ooze in there). It comes pouring out the spouts on the top left and right of the tank. I dose it into the return pump.

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Thanks KimP! That's why I went on a rant earlier this year about more people taking videos of their tanks. We all have the technology to do it right on our phones these days so there's no excuse not to share anymore. I don't know about anybody else but I do enjoy looking at other people's tanks... hint hint.

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I'm on your side buddy. If it ain't Broke don't mess with it. More tank crashes can be attributed to people jacking with stuff. Especially lighting. Leave the MH be :)

Edit: fish room? You mean your wife's dining room! :P

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Well, what better way to celebrate post #1,000 in my tank build thread then to discuss my recent curiosity with Triton testing. I sent off a sample and got the results back. While I'm not saying that I will be running the Triton method or using any of their products, I was curious about the results of my tank water. I know there has been some discussion on some of the bigger forums regarding the accuracy of the tests and the capabilities of an ICP-OES method on determining concentrations of certain metals and elements. I will take their results with a grain of salt for now and save them for documentation purposes.

Just a quick summary, Ehsan, of Triton Labs which is based in Germany, has supposedly honed in a process to test for metals and certain elements in saltwater. The basis for his method is quite simple when you break it down... he has analyzed water from reefs all over the world and accumulated data for it. He tests your water and compares your results to the data for world reefs. With some of his products, and some of your own, he helps you try to match your water quality as best as you can to the data from the world reefs. Unique Corals, which is a coral distributor based in the US, partners with Triton labs to collect samples from hobbiests in the US and sends them to Germany for analysis. For more on the Triton, here is the Unique Corals website.


Here are the results and my thoughts.



Only things to note are:

High aluminum - 82.33 ug/l (setpoint 2.0 ug/l)
High bromine - 72.93 mg/l (setpoint 62 mg/l)
Low boron - 2.78 mg/l (setpoint 4.5 mg/l)
High lithium - 1,255 ug/l (setpoint 200 ug/l)
High zinc - 8.19 ug/l (setpoint 4 ug/l)

My own test kit results:
PO4 - 0 ppm (Hanna Phosphorus meter) - 0.011 ppm (Triton)
Ca - 400 ppm (Red Sea) - 494.70 ppm (Triton)
I - 0.06 ppm (Red Sea) - 0.033 ppm (Triton)
Mg - 1,360 ppm (Red Sea) - 1,421 ppm (Triton)
Sal - 1.025
NO3 - 8-10 ppm
Alk - 8.0 dKh
Temp - 80-82 degrees Fahrenheit
pH - 7.9-8.1

My husbandry:
-no water changes
-Calcium reactor with TLF reborn media
-GAC monthly
-no GFO
-no carbon dosing
-overrated skimmer (rated 550 gals on 250 total gallon volume)
-sump with refugium (ball of chaeto the size of a large turkey, lots of live rock as well)
-feed a ton
-no filter socks
-dose Red Sea Reef Energy B (vitamins and aminos) 2x a week
-occasionally dose lugol's

Some thoughts:

-high aluminum may be attributed to my Cermedia 8"x8"x4" block, other's have reported the same
-high lithium is something seen predominantly in US water tests and not as much in the European market. Unsure yet of why.
-high zinc result may be due to zinc coating of stainless steel rim of tank getting into water
-high bromine may also have something to do with stainless steel rim
-low boron just needs to be dosed

-interesting how off my Ca and Iodine results are compared to Triton
-some have reported high tin levels and think it may be due to PVC leaching, I however did not have any tin detected and use about 24' of PVC on my system.

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