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FarmerTy's 215 build


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You are the Fungia master! And such a Fun Guy too :)

I lost my little orange one from you :( It sluffed off it's skin (so did my other plate). I just don't have luck with most LPS in my large tank. I am keeping the skeletons around in case I can start a competing baby plate production line.

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After months of slow STN and an inability to register a phosphate concentrate, I finally registered a stable concentration without having to continually dose. Even when I dosed phosphate, it would be gone the next day. Now I am registering around 0.03-0.05 ppm. Woohoo!

All it took was trimming half my giant chaeto ball (was the size of a large frozen turkey), slowing down my biopellets to a trickle, feeding extra food, and adding a ton of cleaners to help mow down my pretty red turf algae. Let's hope the phosphate is here to stay!

My nitrates hovered around 5ppm for the longest time after I dosed potassium nitrate (Spectrum stump remover) and has slowly decreased to <1 ppm so i dosed it back up to 5ppm again. I hope keeping a registered level of phosphate and nitrate in my tank should stop what STN I still have going.

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Ty - just as an additional datapoint for you: the Green surhasoni and ORA Hawkins echinata I got from you a few weeks ago have shown no signs of STN, although I am not seeing much encrusting either. Tests yesterday showed undetectable phosphates (Hanna phosphate) and nitrates (Salifert) in my tank. Not sure if that is relevant to your situation though ...

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Thanks Jim. The Hawkins and the surhasoni were generally unaffected by STN in my tank up until the STN got worse on some colonies and caused my alk to spike from my CaRX from lack of uptake. That set the Hawkins and surhasoni in motion to STN in my tank. The Hawkins has stopped STN'ING in the tank but I still see some signs on the surhasoni. It'll typically take a couple weeks of recovery even after the event happened to recoup. Keep me updated on your frags progress.

Generally, any new frag I add to the tank takes about a 1-2 week acclimation period and then I'll start seeing encrusting.

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Came home from work today and decided to whip this up for my SPS while cooking the wife some mom's famous mac and chz.

They call it Pappone's recipe. Old recipe that's been around for awhile from an Italian reefer.


5 Oysters

5 Mussels

5 Clams

5 Shrimp (NOT cocktail shrimp, the big scampi type w/o the head and the shell)

1 Tablespoon of Sugar

200 mL of RO/DI water

10 g of Red Algae (Palmaria palmata; Bisck uses Julian Sprung's brand)

and/or 10 g of Spirulina, 10 g of Nori (spirulina is what Bisck prefers)

"Methods: Make SURE that all ingredients are the freshest possible and DO NOT use frozen foods (unless it is impossible for you). Make sure everything "live" is rinsed and cleaned before putting it into the blender. Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend for 5 min, wait 2 min for it to cool, 5 more min blending, 2 min of waiting again, then finally another 5 min of blending (the pausing is so that the solution doesn't get too hot and "cook" from the heat of the blender/blades). Pour into cube forms (approx 10 mL each). Then freeze it all. You want to minimize how long everything is at room temperature.

Procedure: One hour prior to turning off your lights, you have the option of adding Amino acids to the tank*. (For example, 11pm Halides off, add AA's, 12am, actinics off, then add pappone). Take off the cup of your skimmer, but leave the skimmer running (so you don't have a massive drop in O2 levels overnight). After the lights are off, start with only a cube per WEEK for every 400 L of tank water (approx 100 gallons). Be sure to measure NO3 and PO4 the next morning so that these parameters don't spike after feeding. You can reduce the amount fed if you are having nutrient problems. Also don forget to put the skimmer cup back on the next morning before the lights go back on.

*If everything is going well. It is good to wait and see how the tank is doing for awhile before trying this. The whole point here is that you don't want to change anything too fast, because nothing good happens quickly in this hobby. (Another method to grind up amino acid pills in the next batch of food; however Bisck found that it sometimes causes diatom outbreaks in his tank)."

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So, here's what I started with from Central Market:


For the spirulina component, I used NLS algaemax pellets, which are a mixture of Spirulina and 8 other algaes. I left the sugar out as it is generally used as a carbon source and I'm already solid carbon dosing so I didn't feel the need to add it.

Viola, everything blended into a tasty SPS soup concoction.



I think people have exaggerated the smell of this mixture. It reminded me of the ocean. I was preparing for the foulest smell to ever accost my senses but it never happened.

I froze it in little flat sheets in a zip lock bag since I didn't have a small ice cube tray for it. I figured I could just break it off in roughly 5 ml chunks and feed it to the tank.

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So, here's what I started with from Central Market:


For the spirulina component, I used NLS algaemax pellets, which are a mixture of Spirulina and 8 other algaes. I left the sugar out as it is generally used as a carbon source and I'm already solid carbon dosing so I didn't feel the need to add it.

Viola, everything blended into a tasty SPS soup concoction.



I think people have exaggerated the smell of this mixture. It reminded me of the ocean. I was preparing for the foulest smell to ever accost my senses but it never happened.

I froze it in little flat sheets in a zip lock bag since I didn't have a small ice cube tray for it. I figured I could just break it off in roughly 5 ml chunks and feed it to the tank.

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Dude look at those fresh seafood....they need to go in a hot pot or something lol.
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Well, you've treated me well for 7 months now but it's time to go...


Maybe now I can get myself in gear to finish out my tank upgrade and start skinning the stand and building the canopy. Here's the new light setup for now... there are still going to be some finishing touches but this will work for now.


And for the observant, yes I do I have to reach up high to take a height level picture for the lights. Haha.

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