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FarmerTy's 215 build


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If the Regal is eating pull and treat him with ttm and toss him in the tub.

72 days will fly by...

Regals are delicate, who says with ich in the tank and more fish if it'll just succumb to ich anyway if you just do ich maintenance...

Ich free tanks are very possible...

Thanks for weighing in bud. I think you guys are slowly talking me into just finishing it out as planned.
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So nothing like waking up to the sounds of a return pump gurgling and a very full DT that's almost spilling over. One of my pink cucumbers decided to attempt a joyride down my left drain. The only thing he miscalculated was the amount of midnight snacks he's been eating that added to his girth. He got stuck and the water started backing up behind him. Luckily, my 2nd drain was up to the task of keeping the tank from spilling over and my 3rd chamber in the sump was running dry of water helping avoid a near disaster as well.

Oh a good note, upon removing all acros from my frag tank, my depletion rate of alk has slowed to a much more manageable level and overall, the frag tank looks 10x healthier. Even the ORP level jumped into the 400s just a day after removing all acros and one dead snail. This frag tank stuff is much easier now, though I still plan on shutting it down after C4.



After dipping all my acros from the frag tank, I moved them all back to my sump and put a light over them. Most didn't skip a beat and look very happy, if not happier than before. Two or three didn't like the transition and I yanked them immediately before they could foul my water. I've noticed that after running the frag tank, I've been very quick to yank unhappy corals. If I even see a bit of RTN, I yank them out of the tank. Just not worth my time anymore trying to save little 1-2" frags when I have a healthy mother colony pushing out new frags every month.



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WHAT!?!? A CEREBRA?? I missed a LOT while away from the forum! How is it?

Still very much beta but I like what I'm seeing. The Vertex crew has been all over any suggestions we've made so far and updates to the firmware take just a couple minutes with very little effort.

I could see it running a simple tank in its current status but anything with more complicated equipment will need a couple more firmware updates to be able to handle those. It's great that everything is App based so these improvements have been implemented very quickly.

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Oh boy, AC problems. I remember when I went through that last August and making trips to Johnstone only to have the fan be the issue and the compressor overheated and ruptured the coolant line. That was an expensive week[emoji27] At least you dodged the bullet and are back up and running!

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So this happened over the busiest weekend of the year for me. Had 3 birthdays, a concert, friends in town, and inlaws staying with me for 3 nights.

I turned on the doser manually and forgot to turn it off when I left for the first birthday celebration. 6 hrs later...






Can you guys guess which vial has the super high alk in it? Let's just say the alk level was beyond the hanna meters detection level, which stops at roughly 16 dKh. [emoji50]


I wasn't able to do anything about it until 1am that night but I at least plucked what I could out of the frag tank and throw it in my sump to save.

Even more convinced that shutting down the frag tank is whats best for me. [emoji6]

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Although you started off on a noble endeavor I have seen that having anything in tubs is a bad idea. Go back to the lazy reefer ways and delete this years pages.

Tubs? It was in a frag tank! Way to pay attention Brian! shifty.gif

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Yikes! Glad you saw it when you did!

I turned on the doser manually and forgot to turn it off when I left for the first birthday celebration. 6 hrs later...

I'm still topping off manually and had a moment like this several months ago. Turned the RODI on to add a gallon before bedtime, forgot and went to sleep. Woke up and the kitchen was flooded, a big chunk of carpet outside the kitchen and water flowing through the floor/ceiling into my daughter's bathroom (kitchen is 2nd floor). Even took me a couple more times of not being religious about using the oven timer EVERY SINGLE TIME before I figured it out (because I'm dense).

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Does the Cerebra not have email/text alerts?

It will once the cloud is up and running. They underestimated the issues that they encountered transferring it from their in-house servers to the Amazon servers. While a little annoying, I have to keep in mind that the controller is still beta and that they completely took fault for the underestimation of the issues they would encounter migrating the cloud service to Amazon servers. It's refreshing to have a company straight out just say, my bad, we underestimated how difficult something would be and work their tails off to make it right.

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Does the Cerebra not have email/text alerts?

It will once the cloud is up and running. They underestimated the issues that they encountered transferring it from their in-house servers to the Amazon servers. While a little annoying, I have to keep in mind that the controller is still beta and that they completely took fault for the underestimation of the issues they would encounter migrating the cloud service to Amazon servers. It's refreshing to have a company straight out just say, my bad, we underestimated how difficult something would be and work their tails off to make it right.

Glad they are working on it, I really want it to be a major competitor in the controller arena. Where are you getting the news on it from? My googling hasn't turned up anything.

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Does the Cerebra not have email/text alerts?

It will once the cloud is up and running. They underestimated the issues that they encountered transferring it from their in-house servers to the Amazon servers. While a little annoying, I have to keep in mind that the controller is still beta and that they completely took fault for the underestimation of the issues they would encounter migrating the cloud service to Amazon servers. It's refreshing to have a company straight out just say, my bad, we underestimated how difficult something would be and work their tails off to make it right.

There's a time to jump off the band wagon! Great customer support is one thing, but not having the dev staff to make the hop to AWS is concerning!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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