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FarmerTy's 215 build


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When I read about the Regal, I wanted to shake you! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT (to yourself!) ?!?! (and twice!!)

All I have is a 20g QT w/ 3 small fish in it and it's a huge pain in my rear. I can't imagine what you've had going on the last 6 months or so, just in navigating your house around all the extra fish stuff everywhere.

This was my 3rd regal attempt, and the last two broke my heart when they died. It's my coveted fish and I swore it off as I didn't want to kill anymore trying. Then I came across one that was eating already and it was a red sea one (yellow belly = super expensive).

I thought one more try with one that's eating already. Then when she wasn't eating in my presence, I panicked and didn't want another death on my hands. By day 7, I made the call! Don't get me wrong, I'm super-elated that I have a gorgeous red sea regal angelfish in my tank right now eating pellets.

Its the ich in the DT now that depressed me but honestly, looking back, I'd make that decision again 99 out of 100 times. [emoji3] She's purdy!

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Ich Management has worked all these years and you were generally content, right? So you can't keep a couple of fish you want. I have to ask, are you farming fish or corals?

I have lots of patience but I wouldn't do what you have done. I see management as a system that works but I also don't have any big money fish. Lucky for me I enjoy the cheap ones.

I vote for do what has worked for you and allowed you to enjoy the hobby.

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Ich Management has worked all these years and you were generally content, right? So you can't keep a couple of fish you want. I have to ask, are you farming fish or corals?

I have lots of patience but I wouldn't do what you have done. I see management as a system that works but I also don't have any big money fish. Lucky for me I enjoy the cheap ones.

I vote for do what has worked for you and allowed you to enjoy the hobby.

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I was absolutely content with ich management until I decided I wanted an achilles tang and powder blue tang. All this work is definitely making me think two fish aren't really worth it. I will still QT just to make sure I'm adding healthy fish but all the TTM and QTing CUC is way more involved than this lazy reefer ever wants to be.
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Can I just make a comment on chillers?

A couple years back, I thought it crazy that people would spend absurd amounts of money on a chiller when I felt like fans blowing over the water would solve everything heat related. Then I put 3 400-watt MHs over my tank in a canopy and it didn't matter how much water you evaporated to cool your tank, you weren't going to win against those heat lamps. I found me a cheap used chiller and hooked it inline. It saved the day.

Once I swapped LEDs out for the MHs, the chiller never would turn on... But I left the chiller operational just in case. Fast forward to tonight, my board on my inside AC unit gets fried and I have no AC right now. Wife and I are comfortable in the Master with two coolers full of ice and fans blowing over them. The frag tank gets plenty of cooling via the large surface area to volume ratio, and the tub is in the office with the fan on but temps are holding steady at 81, which they are normally at 80 so no biggie.

The chiller is keeping my display at a nice 80.5 degrees and thank goodness it is there, even though it is for emergency purposes only. When you run an SPS dominant tank, redundancies are your friend. It's not about if, but more about when for emergencies.

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"Wife and I are comfortable in the Master with two coolers full of ice and fans blowing over them."

No way my wife would let this slide. I hope the AC guy is on his way out today. How's the humidity in the house? Feel like Houston?

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"Wife and I are comfortable in the Master with two coolers full of ice and fans blowing over them."

No way my wife would let this slide. I hope the AC guy is on his way out today. How's the humidity in the house? Feel like Houston?

AC guy was actually out last night at 10pm but sadly, it was the wiring harness and they don't drive around with a wiring harness for every manufacturer of AC units with them. I'll be DIYing it this morning once Johnstone opens at 8am. I'll replace the blower capacitor as well while I'm at it. It was reading a hair low.

We both actually slept pretty comfortably last night. Nothing like two giant fans and about 100 lbs of ice to keep it nice and comfy in the master bedroom.

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I'll be honest Ty that sounds miserable. The single most important first world modern age luxury to me is air conditioning. If my AC went out, I may just lose it

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"Wife and I are comfortable in the Master with two coolers full of ice and fans blowing over them."

No way my wife would let this slide. I hope the AC guy is on his way out today. How's the humidity in the house? Feel like Houston?

AC guy was actually out last night at 10pm but sadly, it was the wiring harness and they don't drive around with a wiring harness for every manufacturer of AC units with them. I'll be DIYing it this morning once Johnstone opens at 8am. I'll replace the blower capacitor as well while I'm at it. It was reading a hair low.

We both actually slept pretty comfortably last night. Nothing like two giant fans and about 100 lbs of ice to keep it nice and comfy in the master bedroom.

Smart man. Good to know you make early AM house calls.

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I'll be honest Ty that sounds miserable. The single most important first world modern age luxury to me is air conditioning. If my AC went out, I may just lose it

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Oh man, I live and die by AC so I feel ya. I wish I had a temp gauge in the room with me last night but it couldn't have been over 78 in there. Pretty comfortable in spite of the situation and my wife even pulled the covers back over her because she got chilly last night.

I figured I'd at least wake up glued to my mattress but it was nice, cool, and dry this morning. Nothing like some Aggie engineering! [emoji106]

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"Wife and I are comfortable in the Master with two coolers full of ice and fans blowing over them."

No way my wife would let this slide. I hope the AC guy is on his way out today. How's the humidity in the house? Feel like Houston?

AC guy was actually out last night at 10pm but sadly, it was the wiring harness and they don't drive around with a wiring harness for every manufacturer of AC units with them. I'll be DIYing it this morning once Johnstone opens at 8am. I'll replace the blower capacitor as well while I'm at it. It was reading a hair low.

We both actually slept pretty comfortably last night. Nothing like two giant fans and about 100 lbs of ice to keep it nice and comfy in the master bedroom.

Smart man. Good to know you make early AM house calls.
As in roll out of bed and get to working... Then yes... Haha.
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Why is it that the AC always goes out during the hottest time of the year?

I went though an AC outage last year, but mine lasted 3 days due to the incompetence of a local AC company. My house got to 92 inside, I had to set up a DIY chiller until I could borrow a real one. Not fun!

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Dang capacitors, that's why! They are prone to failure in the extreme heat as they get older. For all you homeowners, do yourself a favor, if you haven't replaced or had someone replace the capacitor or contactor in your outside unit in the last 3-5 years, then do it! That's average replacement schedule anyways. You might as well do it in the winter when it's cooler than wait for it to break down on you in the middle of the summer.

Also, newly learned to me, there's another capacitor powering the blower fan. It fortunately was not the problem but average life on all the capacitors are like 3-5 years anyways so I replaced mine while at it. It was operating at 80% capacity. If it sounds fancy, it isn't. Think like replacing a giant battery... mine was a whopping $20 for a replacement. Loosen two nuts, remove two tab connector, swap capacitor, reassemble, and you're set.

The real problem was my main board. It was fried. I had to replace the whole board and rewire to get it to work again. I had a lot of fun in the attic today but I'm currently writing this post in a brisk 76 degree living room. grin.png

Scorch mark from the old board burning out


Burnt board


Tadah, new board in and functioning. Check out that shiny new capacitor above it too.


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76? I'd wilt. I require a comfortable 72-73. At work we have to keep the machines cool so the air is kept at about 64 degrees 24/7. And being that I spend the majority of my waking time at work, I'm well acclimated to it. I dislike the heat more than most. But only the heat under relaxation. I don't mind working and being outdoors in the sweltering heat. I usually do the yard work at 1 pm on weekend days at the hottest brightest point. But a cool indoors is non-negotiable. Rant over. Ranting is acceptable on this thread right?

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76? I'd wilt. I require a comfortable 72-73. At work we have to keep the machines cool so the air is kept at about 64 degrees 24/7. And being that I spend the majority of my waking time at work, I'm well acclimated to it. I dislike the heat more than most. But only the heat under relaxation. I don't mind working and being outdoors in the sweltering heat. I usually do the yard work at 1 pm on weekend days at the hottest brightest point. But a cool indoors is non-negotiable. Rant over. Ranting is acceptable on this thread right?

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Excuse me sir. This is a non-ranting zone..[emoji6]
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Ty doesn't like other rants that take the attention away from his rants.......

What can I say, I'm rant selfish!

Where did you buy the parts yourself Ty? I have paid 300 bucks twice for capacitor replacement

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The only place in town that sells to the public, Johnstone. There's one up north literally 2 minutes away from my house and there is one down south near the 71/35 intersection.
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I think I've easily saved myself over a thousand in labor alone the last couple of years. Replaced a capacitor, a contactor, and a motor on the outside unit and a board and a blower capacitor on the inside unit.

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If the Regal is eating pull and treat him with ttm and toss him in the tub.

72 days will fly by...

Regals are delicate, who says with ich in the tank and more fish if it'll just succumb to ich anyway if you just do ich maintenance...

Ich free tanks are very possible...

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