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FarmerTy's 215 build


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I would put extra wheels on it to give you peace of mind. Last thing you want is 1 wheel to pop off and it tilts and crashes.

I'll put an antennae on the top like those old remote control cars, that way it'll just flip itself back over.
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Nothing fancy but I hung the light on the frag tank. I just used some electrical conduit, bent it around a tree to get my curve, and then attached it to the stand of the tank. Cost me less than $7 for everything.

I'll do some wire management later but just wanted to get it functioning at the moment. I still need to setup an ATO on the tank but that would be pretty straightforward since I have an Apex already hooked up to it.

Time for some NBA playoffs after a good days work on the tank.

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I have a murderer! I haven't narrowed it down yet but I believe either the cleaner wrasse or the Hawaiian Elegant wrasse has been killing of my fairy wrasses. It's hard to observe while they are tub but I thought it was suspicious that I was losing wrasses one by one and there were physical marks on their bodies!

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Anemone was calling me out. Said he owned the tank and owned me too.

We're doing this buddy... FarmerTy doesn't take insults like that and just lays down. Who you calling spineless now? Your mother/clone is spineless, that's who!


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Just a thought but shouldn't you have a guard on that pump just in case it comes loose?

It's war Dan! I hope it gets chopped into pieces so I can mail one piece at a time back to Woods in the mail.

Say hello to my little pump! gun.gif

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So I had bought a large 8 gal container to setup as my ATO for the frag tank yesterday. I did all kinds of wonderful calculations on the dilution of the kalk solution, the amount of evaporation/day, and the daily uptake of alk from the system... felt all smart for calculating I needed to supplement 0.4 dKh/day with a 0.21 gal/day evaporation rate with a pump that could pump 3.5 gph, and mixed a nice little 33% saturated solution of kalk top off water to dose with.

I setup the whole system and plug it into the Apex, turn it on to test, then turn it back off... program it to come on for 1 min every 6 hrs... come back in horror about 30 mins later as my pH goes from 8.0 to 8.7 and my alk jump from 8.0 dKh to 10.0 dKh.

All that and I forgot to plug the pump I used, the Tom's Aqualifter, to either the 4th or 8th port on the EB8 (for those non-Apex'ers, the 4th and 8th port are used for low voltage devices as they sometimes get stuck in the on position otherwise). So basically on my first test run, I dump about 2 gallons of kalk saturated topoff water into my frag tank.

Luckily my corals are battle-hardened and most are ticked but okay. [emoji4]

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Battle hardened?! If you consider having to wait in line at the smoothie stand as the worst thing that happened to you that day, then sure, your SPS are battle hardened. Your tank is the most pampered and stable tank, I dunno if battle hardened is the best description [emoji12]

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