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FarmerTy's 215 build


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I had taken a picture the other day as I was trying to tune the LED spectrum to a visually similar look to the 400-watt MH. I think I'm getting closer. Par readings are very similar as well right now. LED is on the left, middle light is off, and MH is on the right.


The corals all have been similarly happy during the transition. I have not noticed any odd changing of coloration or any ticked off looking coral. I know the LED will potentially change the color/look of the acros underneath it but whatever change is already occurring appears very minimal to me. I know it's only been a week or so... so I'm prepared to see more changes down the line as we go.

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Goals for the next coming weeks are this:

1) Transition the middle MH to LED

2) Measure readings of par values between the two units to make sure there is appropriate coverage in between units

3) Frag up purple stylo and screaming green birds nest colonies. Keep a small colony of each and sell the rest

4) Redo the left side aquascape and glue all remaining homeless acros on the left side

5) Add a school of anthias to the tank and maybe one more tang and call it a day.

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You're going to frag up that whole birds nest? That's going to be interesting to watch the market get destroyed for that coral.

Yay for Anthias!

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What are you currently running the light at?

I've had it at 70 whites, 20 blues during the transition. They are roughly 9" off the water and about 35" to the sandbed. They appear very similar in spectrum as my 400-watt MH but just a hair dimmer, mainly because the par values I've set a tad lower while acclimating the corals to LEDs.
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Par readings for that distance and intensity give me 400 par just under the water surface, 275 par around mid-tank, and 150 par on the sand. The total height of my tank is 29".

I'll aim to slowly ramp it up until I get the same numbers as my MH when the bulbs are new... 700-800 at the tops of the highest acros (3-6" below surface), 400-500 par mid-level, and 200-250 on the sandbed. I'll let the corals dictate those numbers though as I know the par readings can be off with LEDs.

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70/20 white/blue? That's like the opposite what most people do. Pleasantly surprised to hear that

Most people have their LEDs too blue for my tastes. At 70 white, 20 blue, it looks pretty close to the 14k Radium I've been running my acros under the last 5 months. The other two bulbs were the cheap plusrite but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything with running the cheap bulbs. Final verdict, may be losing some color with the plusrites but again, not enough to pay $60+ per bulb.
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How do your par measurements compare between the radiums and plusrites? The 400 watt version is a bit of a different animal than the 250 watt mogul hqi version. One observation I've made with radiums is that a 15 month old bulb and a brand new bulb look visually identical. When run side by side I cannot tell the difference in color or brightness. I'm sure there is a subtle change in spectrum and par but not within my eyes margin of detection. Only way of guessing brand new vs old is if the brown phosphor coating on the arc is still there. On the old bulbs the arc appears shiny and clear and the new ones have a rust color to them.

I digress. That's pretty awesome that you're able to nail the same color with those LEDs. I'll probably do something similar, run one led and one halide side by side to match color but obviously not intensity. It looks like you're going to want to double your par or even more with the LEDs from where you're at...but at 70% on the whites do you think you'll be able to make it there without lowering the panels physically?

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You know, I never measured the new plusrites against the new radium so sadly, I can't say.

The color looks pretty spot on with the Ocean Revive units and I'm pretty impressed with how close in color it is. For long-term coloration... I really don't know yet but I have high hopes.

The fixtures are easy to move up and down with the supplied cables so lowering shouldn't be an issue. I'll probably end up moving them down another 3" when it's all said and done if I had to take a guess. Again, I'll let my corals dictate and try not to just reach a par level because that's what I want in my head.

I'll more than likely be supplementing with T5s down the line to get that perfect T5/LED hybrid look. I'll acclimate the tank to LEDs first and then add T5s down the line.

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Ty's word IS gospel afterall. Divinely inspired by the zooxanthellae gods. All homage to thine photosyntheticness.

I need you to have a convo with my wife and explain the gospel please! [emoji12]
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I spread the word of the gospel zooxanthellae, but I'm not sure it'll be heard. It's hard to convert people's religions.

Yeah, she's fully into the "my husband is full of crap but he takes out the trash so I put up with him" religion. Whatever religion that is.
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