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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Quick updates:

My Apex fried during one of our many storms we had the last month. I got a loaner head unit and used that in the interim but I should be getting my unit back this week.

During that time, my alk had shot up while I was in between controllers. It went from 8.0 dKh to 10.5 dKh. Other than a loss of some color on some acros and one monti, everything seems largely unaffected. I'm pretty surprised by that as I am carbon dosing and usually the repercussion of running your alk above 8.0 dKh are burnt tips. I think my only saving grace is the ridiculous amount of food I feed my fish and corals.

On that same note, my heal times on cut acros during the frag-a-thon is ridiculous. Most areas cut had healed in 2-3 days and by 6-10 days have already formed a new growth tip! I'm not sure if there is a direct correlation to the higher alk and growth rates, though many swear by it. For now, I'll just put it in the maybe it helps column.

I may just leave the alk at 10.5 dKh and see what happens from here in the first official FarmerTy experiment!

Otherwise, the tank looks like a hot mess with all the frags in it but those will be gone soon hopefully at C4.

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Not surprised at the tolerance of alk spike and healing. Your stuff is healthy and pest free.

I recently picked the brain of RC member tdb320reef who has easily the most impressive Acro collection from a standpoint of variety, color, and growth on the whole site. Easily crushes any of the totm winners but isn't in consideration because he does the fruit display type scape and the award winners get more thoughtful with rock placement.

He said his biggest piece of advice for success even above stability, is healthy stock. Rigorous dipping and prophylactic treatment for disease and truly having zero pests is actually his ticket to success and healthy acros can actually tolerate parameter swings and grow lightening fast still. Was interesting read

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That is very interesting for sure. Once they are happy, they are definitely more resilient. I think that's what gets us during the upgrades. They get nailed by the less than ideal water conditions with a new tank and in there weakened states, even when all parameters line up... they have an ability to go south in health.

That magic one-year mark gets me everytime. Nobody what's happening in the tank, at 1-year, especially if everything has been stable, my SPS collection just starts taking off!

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New screen name? LEDs over the tank? Who ARE YOU?! And what have you done with Ty. Is this a weird episode of the Twilight Zone where I leave the country for a couple of weeks and come back to a flipped reality?

Is that why you had your sump covered up this weekend? So I wouldn't see your LEDs and flip out? I'm interested to see how your corals do under LEDs, with the top secret government growth hormones you put in your water, I'm interested to see how fast they grow in comparison to the corals under MH. TIME LAPSE PHOTOS! TIME LAPSE PHOTOS!

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I haven't had a chance to peek in my sump for a bit now since I've been swamped with work and life itself has gotten very busy but I have been noticing more algal growth lately so I took a look just to check on things.

Apparently my biopellets started clogging up a bit and weren't tumbling as fast as they normally do and my NO3 shot up to 12ppm. Nothing of note but enough to have some little spots of macro pop up on the rocks. I adjusted the flow and presto... back in action. I'd imagine the nitrates will be back to 0.25 ppm in a couple of weeks again.

I hope to have some time this summer to be able to finish the stand/canopy and also slowly implement the LED test on my DT.

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It's all about the small victories in life. During my SPS deaths from the tank upgrade, I was able to save out of my entire ORA red planet colony... just a nub of it with only two polyps on it. Now, it's still a nub but at least the polyp count is above 20 these days! It even regained it's color and displaying red and green now! [emoji41]

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My ORA chips was getting just a little too close to my secret frag rack on the back wall of my tank. That tabling growth form and it's hairy disposition is something else! Everytime I try to take a colony shot, it always comes out bad because it's right below a brace and hard to get a good angle at it so I figured just to snap a pic of the frag.

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My ORA chips was getting just a little too close to my secret frag rack on the back wall of my tank. That tabling growth form and it's hairy disposition is something else! Everytime I try to take a colony shot, it always comes out bad because it's right below a brace and hard to get a good angle at it so I figured just to snap a pic of the frag.

That's such an impressive colony I doubt clipping that frag of it is even noticeable!

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From time to time, I like to make mistakes to help remind the club of errors they should avoid. I consider it my community service to the reef club. [emoji6]

I left my right 400-watt halide on for 14 hrs last night. Luckily it's over the acros so I don't think any harm will come to anything... also the bulb is towards the end of its life span so it's only pushing 350 par at most towards the middle of the tank, whereas it was pushing 500-600 par when first installed.

The usual photo period is 6 hrs so that's quite the departure from the normal light cycle but again, I don't forsee any issues. If there were softies there, I'm pretty sure they would have melted away by now.

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I heard he left the bulb on so long so he could nuke his frags and bring buckets of bleached sticks to C4 again.

It was more me sobbing sadly at home than bringing bleached sticks to the frag swap!

At least my bulb is still burning Brian! [emoji23]

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