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FarmerTy's 215 build


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I changed my light cycle up to have it end with only the right MH on at night. I like how it highlights the structure of the rock and the SPS on the right with the dimly lit background of the left side in view.


Frag sump back in action, as soon as I throw my 250 watt MH back over it. That yellow refugium light isn't cutting it.


Best part is my display tank gets to be a display tank again without a million random frags on the sand messing up my view.

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Busy reefing day!

I replumbed my chiller which left an open port on my manifold to kick back up my GFO reactor again. I know I've been reading 0 phosphates but that's mainly due to algal growth and the cyano that reared its head when I drained the tank to catch the fish out during my marine velvet epidemic.

I'll be glad to have the GFO reactor back online. My SPS have been looking a little on the drab side and it makes me happy to be back at the same regiment that produced such great results in my old tank.

I also refilled the CARX media after already using about 4-5" of media in the span of a month to month and a half. This is in a 5" diameter reactor so that's quite the bit of media being consumed. I've actually lowered my alk level from 8.5 dKh down to 7dKh so I can stay away from burnt tips associated with higher alk levels and carbon dosing.



Today marks Day 1 of the UV experiment. I installed a new 57-watt UV bulb and rubber quartz sleeve wiper and we're good to go to start eradicating all kinds of good and bad things in the water. [emoji4]

I'll probably start to clear some corals out of my tank, namely some accidental SPS frags and LPS colonies/frags that have been hanging around.

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Nothing like a temp spike last night to get my behind moving on moving my Apex to a different location.

When I added the chiller, the exhaust was setup to point to the back of the tank so it could exhaust up and out my canopy vent fan.

Unfortunately, that's where my Apex head unit is near and on days where the chiller runs longer, it has overheated my main head unit and caused some odd temp and pH readings.

For some reason the Apex defaults to 18 degrees when it loses connection to the temp probe. So for the better part of 4 hours, my heater, based on the 18 degrees that the overheated apex unit was telling it, was cooking my tank to try to bring up the temp.

Combine that with 3 400-watt MHs and I got up to a whopping 85 degrees in the tank!

Luckily, my ambient temp is 81-82 degrees so it wasn't too crazy of a spike. Oddly, not a single coral/fish has any negative symptoms of the temp spike. Go figure?!

I went ahead and programmed my Apex to not have the heater run if the temp probe reads something ridiculous, like 18 degrees again. That should at least help avoid this near disaster again. I've also relocated the head unit away from the heat exhaust of the chiller.

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Wow and I thought I was having problems with temps getting into the 80s. Thats nuts man glad you caught it and were able to "fix" the issue.

Yeah, been running an average of 82 for 3 years now with no issues. 85 is a bit higher than I want to go but that tank looks perfectly normal today so I guess it's been good that I've been conditioning them to handle the heat. [emoji5]
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First of all I was about to call April fools but it's not a crazy enough story. Second...82 degree ambient temps? Did you grow up in the Sahara? Holy smokes that's hot. I'd die if my house were kept at that!

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Oh, no way! I'm part Eskimo! I'd die in 82 degrees in the house. Just my reef tank... average is about 82 degrees. I did think about pulling an April Fools joke but then again, I'd thought I'd be nice for one year.

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