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Isn't that leaky 150 basically just a failed flip?

We here at the TysMahal like to focus on our successes and not our failures... I mean... lack of successes. [emoji57]

Cue Reburn and the picture of the mountain of dead purple stylo!

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Nope it ain't coming out. It's like using a cuss word it looses all effect if you use it every other word. I'll keep it back in the vault for a while. :)

Can't let you have a big head about having one of the top 10 prettiest tanks in the austin crestview area.

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Isn't that leaky 150 basically just a failed flip?

We here at the TysMahal like to focus on our successes and not our failures... I mean... lack of successes. [emoji57]

Cue Reburn and the picture of the mountain of dead purple stylo!

After 10 years of corporate bliss, I have learned (or been brainwashed to understand) that "lack of successes" should be termed: opportunity.......this shows the ability to enhance esteem, show empathy, support without removing responsibility and encourage involvement!!!!

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Thanks guys! My fish enjoy it too... they've all reapplied for their work visas in hopes they get approved to move into it in about 4-6 weeks.

This tub is a dump! Can't wait to move back into the old place!


Wardlaw - we'll right that ship as quick as we can. Now get on those water changes! [emoji4]

waiting to check salinity and alk tonight on mixing station if all lines up a change will be done pre-weekend

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Funny thing... and when I say funny thing, it's not actually funny... but I realized after two tests this week that for the past 2-3 weeks, my CaRX has been humming along, roughly dosing just the perfect amount of Ca and alk back into the water like it's supposed to.

I thought nothing of it because I could see the a gradual peak and trough of what appeared to be the solenoid turning off and on every couple hours. I figured everything was working just fine. Then it dawned on me that when I lowered my pH range for the CaRX to operate within a couple weeks back, that the pH had never gotten below my lowest pH setting of 6.5. Oddly, it managed to creep as low as it can around 6.53 and then every 2-3 hrs, the pH would start to increase again, and then it would gradually decrease... very similar to how it would function with a solenoid turning on/off. I can't really explain the raise and fall of the pH from 6.53 up to 6.60 and then back down again without a solenoid but maybe it's variances of pressure or saturation by the CaRX causing it... either way, I thought it interesting/odd that I've been basically running without my solenoid actuating at all for almost a month and luckily had it dialed in via the bubble rate alone... which is ideal but sadly, it wasn't even within my pH specs I set, which is scary. I guess nothing could have actually gone wrong other than it not dosing enough and my alk slowly drifting down but my habitual alk testing quirk would have noticed that immediately anyways.

Anyways, thought it was interesting and wanted to share.

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I think an underappreciated value of regular testing is that it helps us figure out things. I'm basically testing like a madman and trying to correlate that to what's going on in my tank. I think once I learn more in general and more about this tank specifically I might be able to relax a little. But probably not. I do think it has helped my livestock tremendously, although I feel like a slave to little vials and syringes.

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One day, the vials and syringes will take over the world!

I'm only testing this obsessively because even after a year, I'm not in cruise control yet on the tank. The constant tweaking of the CARX helps me fine tune it as the system starts hitting peak stability. But you're right, all this testing gets you in tune with your tank.

Honestly, the only thing I test for after the 1 year mark is alk. I'll occasionally test for nutrients (nitrates/phosphates) once in a blue moon but the rest of the parameters will stay in line in my system and hardly warrant more than a test every couple of months just to correct for slow drifts.

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Well, I was thinking the Angelixir was snake oil. It had some great reviews online so I figured, why not?

Turns out it works as advertised. The regal angel was cautiously nibbling up mysis and bloodworms soaked in the angelixir. It was still hesitant but that was the first time it ever ate anything out of the water column and it hasn't touched mysis again since the first day I introduced him.


It was developed by a marine scientist with the same amino acid composition as sponges. It's supposed to help stimulate their appetite and it did exactly that. Kudos to Brightwells for the product! [emoji106]

Now I'll just keep soaking the mysis, some pellets, nori, and flakes with the angelixir and keep getting it used to eating the same stuff I feed my other fish.

I will have to admit, it was quite hilarious to see the fish still using a ripping head motion as if it were still eating sponges. The taste buds said you're eating sponges, so the brain followed with a, better twist your head real fast to tear off a piece. [emoji24]

11 days now that it's been in the chloroquine phosphate (CP) treatment for ich, velvet, and brookynella just in case. No more signs of ich but full treatment is 30 days so I have 19 more days and counting. At that point, I'll remove the CP and do two 5 day treatments of prazipro for intestinal worms and flatworms for all the fish.

My ETA to return the fish is actually going to be 10 weeks so it looks like April 22 is going to be the welcome home day for my fish. Just in time as I will be hosting the April ARC club meeting that following weekend hopefully! [emoji4]

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You will have the healthiest, most disease free fish in central Texas. I smell a fish QT side business in your future...

Fish so clean you can eat off them!

No way I'm doing a QT side business... I've changed that water in the QT more times than I've ever done water changes ever! Never again!

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I thought the regime for CP was 21 days? You sure about 30?

Since CP treats for ich too, I decided to hold them in there for the 30 days recommended for ich. You're right, marine velvet is only 21 days.

5-6 weeks turned into 10 weeks too for the tank to be fallow in case that was ich and I misdiagnosed.

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I wouldn't call it a success yet but today, I got the regal eating pellets with the angelixir. That stuff is AWESOME!!!

I'm going to fatten him up a bit and increase my water change protocol to more frequent changes to compensate for all the additional food I'll be feeding. The main goal is to get him super fat and attacking that food aggressively so when I separate the barrier in the tub, he'll have a fighting chance against my more active and aggressive tangs when eating.

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Day 1 of prazipro has begun in the treatment tank for treatment of intestinal worms and also external flukes. It is more of a prophylactic dose as I have not seen any signs of flukes or intestinal worms. It is also compatible with chloroquine phosphate so dosing both at once is not an issue.

I will be dosing it for 6 days, doing a water change, and then dosing it a 2nd time after I have finished my CP treatment on the 4th of March. The large water change in between the prazipro treatments will help remove most of the CP from the QT and after the 2nd prazipro treatment, I will do another large water change and then add carbon to the system to remove all medications from the QT.

That will put me 2 weeks away after all medicated treatment has stopped before I can return the fish to the system on the 25th of March. After discussion with Reburn, I've decided to not do the full QT for ich of 10 weeks and just do the 6 weeks for velvet. Ich has never been an issue in any of my tanks and having it in the system or not doesn't really worry me as my husbandry practices and the resultant health of the fish overcome it anyways. Plus I know, in some form or another, somehow it'll get back in the system in a drop of water or something else so why aim to have a perfectly sterile tank and worry excessively over trying to prevent it's entry into the system. For me, it's like trying to have a semiconductor factory of a home (you know, full body suits, dust decontamination chambers, etc) where I know I could never/nor want to deal with all the extra steps and stress of preventing routes of entry of ich into the system... again, a disease that has always been in all my systems but my fish population was always healthy enough to overcome it.

I think the more pressing and pertinent scenario is to have the fish back in the display system where the water quality is much better than in the tub and the parameters are much more stable.

My strategy to reintroducing the fish is to have all small fish reintroduced first, then the angels, then the wrasses, and finally the tangs. I will incrementally add each group over the period of days/weeks and allow for them to get acclimated, at the same time, allow the bacterial levels in the tank to readjust to the bioload of the fishes as each group is added. I may even dose some additional bacteria at this time to facilitate their increased numbers to compensate for all the "new" fish being added to the system.

I have already jumpstarted my biopellets again in anticipation of the large nitrate increase once the fish are reintroduced and that should be fully coming online in the next 3-4 weeks as the bacteria culture is ramping up to full efficiency. It will coincide nicely with when it's time to start adding my fish back in. I'm looking forward to that day! [emoji106]

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