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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Before all the marine velvet chaos hit, the last additions to my tank were going to be a couple of fairy wrasses.

Well, I went ahead and added two fairy wrasses to my fish tub. I added a male terminal phase red-headed (in honor of my wife) solon fairy wrasse and a male terminal phase yellow flanked fairy wrasse. I've never actually seen a yellow flanked fairy wrasse before or even heard of it... but in person, it is ridiculously awesome! I've never been so enamored by a fish before... it's a crazy assortment of colors, with a giant orange spot on its side, and then to top it off, the back end of it looks like it has dragon scales!

I hope you don't mind I borrowed your stock picture Peter! (Coralimports)


Live aquaria stock pic


To total off the list of the dead:

Powder blue tang, two chromis, midas blenny, and two mandarin gobies. [emoji20] RIP!

I plan to still add the regal angelfish and the mandarin pair soon to the tank directly and let them acclimate to the tank as I observe them. If they seem to be doing well and show no signs of illnesses for 2 weeks, then I'll reintroduce my fish population back to the tank. I may replace my midas blenny and that will be the end of my fish stocking plans.

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Those wrasses are gorgeous! I hope that's the end of your losses.

Thanks Kim! I hope so too!

Found this guy lobbying for a fish free tank!


Dude... you don't need fish! I'll entertain you all by myself! Look at me free climbing like a boss! And I don't even have an opposable thumb! Or bones!

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Well, I felt the need to finally make a skimmate reservoir to hook up to my skimmer for extra skimmate storage. Since the Skimz skimmer already comes with a port for an external skimmate reservoir, all I needed to do was buy the tubing and hook it up to a container.

I'm surprisingly starting to run out of room below the stand so I went with a 8 liter pet food container that fits nicely back there and is easy for me to remove to empty.

For now I've just shoved the tubing into the container but when I get a chance, I'll add a float valve and program my Apex to shut off my skimmer when the float valve is activated and send me a notification to get my lazy butt over there to empty the extra reservoir.

I had a little helper today.




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I was thinking about cyphastrea face and I wondered: there must have been many battles as he grew to his current glory. Was there anything he could not defeat, or was everything in his path doomed?

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Actually, cyphastrea face loses more battles than he wins. His mean looking face is just for show and intimidation as when it comes to fisticuffs, he'll usually lose.

That's why I've allowed him to take over the rock. That way if he ever grows beyond my desired reaches or grows closer to other corals, I know he'll lose out in the ensuing battle.

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Look who decided to join the party!








Video of his release into the tank:

Video of him making himself at home:

He's already eaten some mysis shrimp and looks to be in great health. Let's hope the next two weeks are good to him in the tank all by himself.

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Awesome angel Ty! I hope he does well for you.

Are you worried about that skimmer line clogging up? The first bend coming from the skimmer looks narrow. Mine gets chunks in it and sometimes clogs the line. I thought about upgrading to a larger diameter but haven't done it yet.

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Thanks bud. I'm not sure yet in application as it hasn't gotten high enough to start spilling over yet into the reservoir bucket. I think the diameter is 1/4" ID for the tubing but I had the thought as well about chunks getting stuck in it when I first installed it.

I guess I'll see and report back. I may need to drill it out and go with a larger diameter tube like you mentioned.

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I thought about cutting the tubing close to the cup and installing an adapter to ramp up to the next size. Either that or skim wet enough to reduce the chunks in the skimmate.

I was thinking about something like this.


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The sad part is the realization that I have tested my alk 22 times since the beginning of the year. It's only February 6th!!! doh.gif

Ty since I don't have a frag tank....I asked my wife to test my alk once every other day lol!!!!!!
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