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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Odd thing, but it loves nori! I threw a sheet in there and as usual, the tangs destroyed it and as the little pieces flake off, the other fish usually pick those off instead of getting into the tang feeding frenzy. This little guy dives right in the scrum with 6 large tangs and doesn't bat a fish eyelash... if those even exists.

Ours does the same exact thing... first into the pieces of Nori on the rocks.

Also first at the top of the tank during feeding times. Eats like a pig.

Also really strange... our Crosshatch Triggers are obsessed with nori. They will just go all out at it. If a piece comes off the rock, they will play tug of war with it...

I'm trying to get two Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasses to try next. Pretty bad mortality rate, but I wanted to try a new QT procedure I've had good luck with and see what happens smile.png

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You may not have noticed, but he said it with as much contempt and sarcasm as you can fit into those words. I suppose my comment went too far but I thought it was harmless.

Haha, you should be used to my dry sense of humor by now Sascha. Naturally I was joking. [emoji16]
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If I haven't been able to offend Ty yet I would say he is pretty much bomb proof.

However if your at his house and mimic his adorable, loving, supportive wife and say, "If you spent as much time fixing up the house as you do fixing up THAT fish tank......." You can watch him scurry into his fish room to hide.

And no I'm not being sarcastic about his wife. She is all those verbs.

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So, here's what I started with from Central Market:


For the spirulina component, I used NLS algaemax pellets, which are a mixture of Spirulina and 8 other algaes. I left the sugar out as it is generally used as a carbon source and I'm already solid carbon dosing so I didn't feel the need to add it.

Viola, everything blended into a tasty SPS soup concoction.



I think people have exaggerated the smell of this mixture. It reminded me of the ocean. I was preparing for the foulest smell to ever accost my senses but it never happened.

I froze it in little flat sheets in a zip lock bag since I didn't have a small ice cube tray for it. I figured I could just break it off in roughly 5 ml chunks and feed it to the tank.

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Bringing this back up. You still feeding this Ty? I'd like to try it if I can find the ingredients, but part of my problem is I have no idea how to open/shuck oysters and clams and I'm afraid I'd fail at opening them all before the wife could get home and catch me fouling up our kitchen lol. Curious on an update. I know it's not exactly ground breaking new stuff, but I've been curious to try out some Pappone and see if it helps me any. My frags may still be too small to really register any reaction though

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I kept it for myself. I'm hoping to be able to dunk the basketball by the end of the year!

I can give you a piggy back ride up to the basket and you can jump off of there. I think you have a better chance this way.

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Ty, google searching a bit and can't find a consensus on how much a good starting amount would be. How much do you feed your tank, I'd think me feeding 1/3 of that would be appropriate to start. Maybe 1/4

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Ty, google searching a bit and can't find a consensus on how much a good starting amount would be. How much do you feed your tank, I'd think me feeding 1/3 of that would be appropriate to start. Maybe 1/4

There's no exact plan I have. I just defrost it with my frozen food 2-3x a week and kill the pumps. I froze it into sheets in a zip lock bag and usually defrost about a silver dollar size of it to dump in the tank each time. Hope that helps.
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This build is still going on?! Jeez Ty, you build slower than I do! [emoji14]

If anything, I bet your clams love that homemade SPS food

My build is the epitome of slow. I think they'll start using it as a unit of measurement for time. My dog is about two Jeeperty tank builds old.
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