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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Oh, and for the record, I think the one on the left is a acropora formosa and the one on the right is a acropora gemmifera. Just guesses so any input appreciated.

I have high hopes that the formosa will turn completely blue or purple and the gemmifera to stay pretty much the same but get a little more lime green.

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Oh, and for the record, I think the one on the left is a acropora formosa and the one on the right is a acropora gemmifera. Just guesses so any input appreciated.

I have high hopes that the formosa will turn completely blue or purple and the gemmifera to stay pretty much the same but get a little more lime green.

I change my answer for the 2nd one. I think it's actually an acropora monticulosa.

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Dude, crazy idea! How about you come to my house, tell me what I need, let me buy it, then help me hook it all up? In return I will provide food, beer (or whatever) and football. Better yet, let's have a party. Everyone's invited!

It would either be great or end up in a fist fight.

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One can be mightily surprised at what you'll catch when you put a fish trap into someone else's tank!


Checking out the view behind his safety glass. What a bunch of animals out there!


If I swim with them, maybe they won't notice I'm new.


So far so good!


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Here's a video of the first day the powder blue was introduced. The yellow tang was letting it know where it stands in the pecking order. Now on day 2 of habitation, the yellow tang hardly looks at it anymore and the chocolate tang only occasionally chases it. Warning... it comes with the standard FarmerTy cheesy background music as usual. doh.gif

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It appears mad scientist Ty has receded and jeeper Ty has returned! All kidding aside, the tanks looking great, and the music is sounding funky!

I can't wait for farmer Ty to come out in spring again....shifty.gif

Edited by Bluemoon
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The yellow is in for a nice surprise once the powder blue gets comfortable in the tank.

This blue guy's a real A** hole, WTF...

Right on cue... last night the PBT was chasing the yellow tang for a few rounds. Almost all aggression has ceased now that everyone got to huff their chests for a bit.

It's amazing the activity level of the PBT! Compared to the other tangs, he's like the one kid that ate a whole box of candy before recess. I can see why they go nuts in smaller tanks. I'm a little worried my 215 isn't going to be enough! I'm sure the sohal and the clown tang probably have the same issues in smaller tanks and explains why all three have a reputation for becoming really aggresive. You stick me in a small room when I'm used to wide open runs and then start throwing more people in there with me and don't be surprised if I attack my new roommates. [emoji38]

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FWIW, after rereading an experiment conducted by Dana Riddle on the Hanna meters, I realized that I never researched more into the alk meter potentially reading high.


From a quick Google search, I found some correcting by multiplying by 0.82.

If this is true, my alk is not really at 8.0 dKh but really 6.56 dKh. Anywhere from 7-11 dKh are generally accepted levels. Since I haven't run any comparative tests to see how off my meter is or isn't, I've decided to at least bring my alk levels up a bit to 9.8 dKh, or 8.0 dKh if the meter is indeed off by 0.82. At least that way, both values are within acceptable ranges until I can get this correction factor sorted.

To do that, I have ordered an alkalinity standard from Hanna, same as the phosphorus version I already have so that I can check my meter. I may follow up with a test from a Salifert and Red Sea kit to see where their values in respects to the Hanna meter.

I'll report what I find out after the holidays.

Sorry Bluemoon, mad scientist Ty is back in full effect! [emoji57]

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Alright, just a quick synopsis. I received my Hanna alkalinity standard and tested it against my alk meter. The standard is set at 100 ppm and when I tested my meter, it consistently read 106 ppm. For now, I will assume my meter reads 6% higher than the actual concentration. I would like to also test this against either the Red Sea or Salifert alk test to see how it compares as well.

Anyone with either kit interested in running a sample for me in the name of science? [emoji38]

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