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FarmerTy's 215 build


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To elaborate, the plan was to duct it to the exterior of the house and while I was in the attic doing that anyways, run a line beside/inside it so that it can pull fresh air into my skimmer intake.

I've read about too many issues with tanks 200+ gallons causing moisture related issues inside of houses. That and I use evaporative cooling to keep my temperature stable so I'd like to pull as much of the moisture and hot air out of the house as possible. I don't even want to imagine what that room will feel like in the summer with 1200 watts of metal halide in there. Talk about a sauna!

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Interesting observation I wanted to share. I always think of livestock additions (mainly in the form of fish) as being the greatest contributors to my bioload and often forget about the significance of coral additions affecting the bioload much but, when I took back all my large SPS colonies that were rehomed during my super high salinity debacle, I had another mini-cycle in my tank and currently have a repeat of my cyano bloom... which cleared itself out in about 1 month time the first time through.


I'll post some pictures later today of my new additions that I horded "Golem" style at C4. My precious!!!

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Not the greatest pictures but I picked up a rainbow stylo, ice fire echinata, pink lemonade, and some type of blue tip bottlebrush. Thank you RCA and Niko's reef for so willingly taking my money in exchange for these awesome pieces!



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gollum bruh, c'mon.

Victoly I think that TY watched too much pokemon in his day hence he refers to the pokemon Golem. I take serious offense to any misinterpretation of Lord of the Ring. Now star trek, screw that up all you want.

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I have taken all the training from my pokemon days and use my honed skills of collecting now on corals. Gotta catch 'em all!

They just never emphasized QT'ing practices on the show so I had to learn that trick myself. Imagine one pokemon getting the rest sick and and then you loosing your whole collection!

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Aww dang, and you know where I live too! First rule of dealing, don't let the junkies know where you live! Fail!

WAY too many people know where you live!

I picked up one of those blue tips also.

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Look at my new toy I won at C4. This thing is crazy porous!


It kind of just worked out that it was the same height as my skimmer stand I built. I didn't even have to adjust the skimmer, it worked as a direct swap out. Thanks for the idea Jestep.


I went a different direction with my sump. I originally had the center chamber as a giant frag rack with a 250-watt MH over it. With the way I setup my baffles, I ended up with an accidental algae turf scrubber on both panes of glass. Then with the flow down there, it encouraged algae to grow on the frag rack and tons of pods inhabited it.

So, why fight nature? I got a giant ball of chaeto from Richard L, picked up a LED sump light from mrshall, and removed the frag rack and all frags from the sump.

Look what I have, a real live refugium. I haven't had one since my nano cube days.


So, what's going to happen to all my frags you ask? Well I just ordered two magnetic frag racks from our new sponsor, ReefCreators, and I will place them behind by two large rock mounds in the DT. They are out of view unless you are specifically looking for them. I will be selling off some frags as I start to decide which pieces I will be keeping and which I will remove to make space for new corals. I hope to have everything nice and stable over the next couple of months. It's grow out time!

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Like I said, why fight nature? I really liked having the frag system down there but the chamber grew algae so naturally that I went with what my system gave me and converted it to a refugium instead. When life gives you lemons... or should I say... when life gives you an accidental turf scrubber...

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Sound logic. I thought there was an underlying science behind the move though. Like maybe you've been jealous of the lagoon systems all of these months and decided to convert your sps tank to all macros and nonphotosynthetics! Wouldn't that be something?

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i can't get over the fact that your source even says tomato, house paint.

Trading out hawkins echinatas for feather caulerpa? That'll be the day! thumbsdown.gif

hey, feather caulerpa can be tricky. you get your parameters off by a little bit and it dies quickly.

jokes aside, i can't believe that a 250W MH in your cabinet wouldn't cause a heat issue.

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I must mention that I am currently running a naked tank, no pants and no shirt (i.e. no skin on the stand and no canopy). Now I will be just running the led sump light and once skinned, the whole tank (hood and sump) will be vented outside via a bathroom vent fan controlled via my Apex.

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