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FarmerTy's 215 build


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the FTS Jake! The grand unveiling was at the March meeting but for those that couldn't attend...


I added a couple of other shots just for fun. Just for purposes of scale, that Desjardini sailfin is about 6-7" long.








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One of my favorite things about the new aquascaping was actually done totally by accident. The two large mounds with the valley in between kind of perfectly lined up with my metal halide fixtures. When I have the left halide on, it spot lights the left mound


... and vice versa.


With the middle halide off, it highlights both mounds and emphasizes the valley in between. With only the middle halide on, it casts an early morning-like glow on both the mounds with dim rays of light casting from the middle and hitting both mounds. It's just something to be appreciated in person when looking at the tank. I'll try to add the pics of the middle off and on by itself to show the effect.

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Just want to mention for documentation purposes that it's not all rainbows and unicorns right now with the build. I am getting some pretty bad STN in a lot of my SPS but that's what happens when you change the tank, the flow, the lighting, the parameters, and expect all the SPS to stay happy while all this happens.

I've lost my blue/green insignia completely and treading some dangerous ground on losing about 3-4 other acros completely. Most of the rest have some sort of STN here or there and definitely don't look happy. I'll just keep aiming to keep everything stable and ride it out until everything is happy again. Juiceman shared some wise advice the other day... Ty, you can't save them all!

I also lost some livestock with all the stress of the move and possibly to ich. I lost my new powder blue tang, my geometric pgymy hawkfish, and sadly... my favorite fish... my midas blenny. I still look at the empty hole he used to sit in and feel sad. He was my automatic "Photo of the month" winner... just post his picture and bam, I won! Sad day when he passed.

But not to end it on the sad note, the tank is more amazing than I could have envisioned with the new aquascape and all systems are stable and a "go" for long-term stability. While everything is stabilizing, I'll start work on the canopy and skinning the stand to keep my hands out of the tank!

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Well mj glad to hear that. What's the saying "Mo' water, mo' problems"

In all seriousness have you considered fragging some of the dying colonies and having a local who you trust hold them in case you lose the whole colonies? That way they can later be re introduced

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I thought it was "Mo' water, mo' room for livestock?"

The STN is not as crazy as I was implying... more of a late night rant after having to cut some colonies up in the wee hours of the night last night because the bases stn'ed on me. That low alk incident was about 2 weeks ago so that's about when I would to expect to see some of the damage manifest itself now with the SPS, since you typically see the reaction several weeks after the incident.

I can think of at least one person in the club that has a at least a frag of every SPS that's important to me. I like to spread it around in the club in case someone's tank crashes... I don't want my whole Plan B to go up in smoke if one person's tank crashes!

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Nice full tank shots!! love the way the aqua scape turned out and the way the halides spotlight the islands... The two island look is what awesome and looks like the fish have plenty of swimming room. The tank is looking good Ty, wish I could have made it yesterday to see it in person.... Sorry to hear about your losses that really sucks :( Sounds like you have a good plan to get the STN under control, thats a good thing.

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Thanks all for the compliments. It helps keep me going with the tank build.

Here's a fun video of what I found in my overflows. Full screen and HD to really get a glimpse of them.

That should keep my pair of mandarins happy and fat.

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Lol always love the music to your videos.

That is a ton of pods! Probably a noob question but what are the two towers in the refugium? Is that what supports so many pods without them having liverock/macro to hide in?

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Thanks all for the compliments. It helps keep me going with the tank build.

Here's a fun video of what I found in my overflows. Full screen and HD to really get a glimpse of them.

That should keep my pair of mandarins happy and fat.

That is totally sick, I can only dream of having pods like that.

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Gonzo, which monti are you referring to?

The twin towers are actually my drain line and my return line in my corner overflow. From there, the eye of Sauron watches for any hints of STN for me.

The music in my videos are pulled straight from YouTube's default music library because I got tired of them sending me emails about using copyrighted songs for background music. I thought the crazy upbeat song was appropriate for the pod frenzy going on in there. It beats the sloshing of water and the whine of a return pump.

I'm sure I had pods galore in my old sump but this is the first time I've seen them in this capacity at the bottom of my overflows. I was shocked when I first noticed them. I do love how this hobby can still surprise you, even after doing it for so long!

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About the monti I coulda sworn there was a picture posted by madsalt or someone on this thread of what looked like a monti with red polyps and purple calcified region behind the polyps... I might have just gotten a little carried away with my St. Patricks day celebrations though...

You couldn't have found a better audience for the Tolkien reference btw :)

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About the monti I coulda sworn there was a picture posted by madsalt or someone on this thread of what looked like a monti with red polyps and purple calcified region behind the polyps... I might have just gotten a little carried away with my St. Patricks day celebrations though...

You couldn't have found a better audience for the Tolkien reference btw :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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About the monti I coulda sworn there was a picture posted by madsalt or someone on this thread of what looked like a monti with red polyps and purple calcified region behind the polyps... I might have just gotten a little carried away with my St. Patricks day celebrations though...

You couldn't have found a better audience for the Tolkien reference btw :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I did post a pic here for Ty so he wouldn't feel bad about me buying it. He has visitation rights as well.

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