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FarmerTy's 215 build


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I've been little exhausted lately. bye.gif You know what they say, when it rains, it pours!

So, my paranoia over my non-braced tank is taking over and I am having a heck of a time getting a welder out here to make the frame I want. No real rush because I at least have clamps on the tank but I would like to get this taken care of. I'm sure it's mostly my paranoia but the thought of Oceanic building a giant tank with no middle brace... then repaired by a non-expert as myself... has got me thinking I'm pushing the threshold a bit. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

Also, what turned out to be a simple addition of new fish to my new tank has turned into a giant ich party! rock.gif I'm in the camp where I believe ich is always present, as long as the fish are healthy and not stressed, they can usually resist it. Throw 6 large fish in a new environment and you won't believe how quick that ich spreads. Good thing is that they are all eating like pigs and I've been soaking nori/food with selcon/garlic to help their battle. I'm sure they'll all get over it but it still stresses me out to see them covered in ich like that. Luckily all the little fishes in the old tank are symptom free, as much as I have been moving rocks and breaking things in that old tank.

Lastly, my STN of certain corals is still somewhat there but a lot less prevalent. It is only happening now on 3 corals, but as soon as I cut the STN'ing portion or put superglue on it (for portions I can't cut), it seems to stop. Just got to keep my peepers out and stop it quick before it goes anywhere. That's all the bad news I have for now.

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Good news! Can't end it on that note. All major corals have been transitioned to the new tank and acclimated nicely. Parameters are the same on both tanks so I didn't think it would be that stressful at all on the corals.

I've gotten a majority of the live rock I am keeping in the new tank. Just 4 more large rocks and that should do it. I'll cook the rest of the smaller rocks and eventually work them into my sump for additional biofiltering capacity.

Also, with all this destruction in the old tank, there's going to be a reaping of frags for sell. I'll post later today and maybe it'll work out for meeting people at the February monthly meeting or at the Austin Aquarium.

I'm hoping to finish moving everything into the new tank by this weekend and start the process of bringing over all my reactors to the new tank and shutting down the old tank. Target goal is to shutdown before March 1st as the person buying my tank will be picking it up that day!

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Thanks Rob! Most have been fairing well. There was STN occuring in the old tank but I have just cut and transferred to the new tank and most of it has stopped. I still have that watchful eye out though!

Glad to hear that they are doing well. I know that stn can be worrisome, so it is good to hear that you are getting it in check! Sorry to hear about the file fish snacking on your zoas, that stinks. But i agree with you corals before fish :)

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Well you got some great looking fish! That powder blue is freaking beautiful, wish i had more room for one of those guys, but i hear that they can get pretty darn aggressive.

Ha hoarding fish:) guess its a good thing you got 215 gallons of hoarding room :P

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I'm actually at hoarding capacity with what I got now, so I think I might start collecting cats.

The powder blue is awesome but it does have a reputation of being a bully, even to fishes way bigger than it. I would recommend if anybody gets one, 1) have a giant tank, 2) for it to be the only tang or 3) have so many tangs that it can't single one out to pick on.

Just ask Dapettit, he's got a 4" powder blue beating up his 8" hippo tang.

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The fish were mainly for the wife but I'm becoming more of a fish guy these days. Mainly because I am stocked with the corals I want so the hoarding mentality has switched to fish now.doh.gif

ORRR because I'm rubbing off on you and you think I have an awesome tank full of fish!

I'm actually at hoarding capacity with what I got now, so I think I might start collecting cats.

The powder blue is awesome but it does have a reputation of being a bully, even to fishes way bigger than it. I would recommend if anybody gets one, 1) have a giant tank, 2) for it to be the only tang or 3) have so many tangs that it can't single one out to pick on.

Just ask Dapettit, he's got a 4" powder blue beating up his 8" hippo tang.

I've heard a lot of the same things. However, you only hear of them beating up on the wussie tangs. You never hear about a PBT going fin to fin with a Sohol, Clown or Naso. I've decided to only get one tang and one rabbit. I'm thinking of going the wrasse route just to avoid being Ty's clone.

Seriously though, I'm glad that you didn't get hit too bad. Hopefully everything will work out and your tank will recover. Don't worry about breaking the corals. Everyone loves your frags so I'm sure that you'll be able to sell them to fund your hoarding. But if you do accidentally get a frag, then keep the pretty ones for me!

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Wait, the tang and wrasse show was going to be the unofficial name of my tank!

All my frags are pretty Sascha. I love all my children the same.

Dang I just can't avoid it! You're supposed to be doing the opposite of me. I guess I'll start collecting Dottybacks and hope you don't come down with a case of tank envy.

Have you decided on any new corals to get your hands on? I'm getting a Forest Fire Montipora and if I can get my hands on a Bubble Coral then I'll be really happy. After that I'd like a nice Stylophora in pink or purple. That Purple Meridiana you have is beautiful. Red Planet and a Green Slimer top out my list before I have to start looking for real estate. The lower reaches of the tank are up for debate. I may end up looking for an acan or two.

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Great, how to fix STN...double the size of your tank. i wonder if that's how the 1700 gallon guy to where he is now.

I'm actually at hoarding capacity with what I got now, so I think I might start collecting cats.

i'm your man on that. let me know when you are ready. in a few months i will have more than will fit in a 200g.

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Stocking list is done so at the most, I may put some choice SPS frags, or large LPS colonies, or some high end zoas. But not anytime soon because I want the tank to be stable before I do anything else with it. That way I can also take time to setup a QT for the newer additions.

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Weekend update by Ty Ta:

Okay, no SNL style show here but good bullet points.

  • I'm over my ich worry. Fish are eating like pigs and the one that broke out first is over it. The rest should follow within the next couple of days.
  • Alk was crazy low in the new tank. We're talking in the 4's. Getting it slowly back up over the last couple days. Sitting at around 6 now and aiming for 8. That should stop the STN I've been seeing in the new tank but still doesn't explain what I saw in the old tank. Perhaps the old tank had too high of alk since colonies were being removed as alk and Ca still were being supplied by the CaRX so those colonies STN'ed, and then in the new tank the opposite problem was occurring and they were STN'ing due to low alk.
  • Cooking up some baking soda as we speak. I feel like I run a meth lab right now... Breaking Frags!!! doh.gif
  • Aiming to move the rest of the corals to the new tank this weekend
  • During the week, I'll slowly aim to clean up the last big rocks I'm moving over and transition them as well
  • At the end of the week, I plan to catch all the little fishes left in the old tank (6 chromis... 1 already made the trek in my volleyball size birdnest colony, 2 clowns, 1 hippo tang, 1 banghaii cardinal, 1 midas blenny, 2 mandarins, and 1 dartfish)
  • I'll end up moving my last 2 reactors over to the new tank, already setup the CaRX last night on the new tank
  • Aiming for next weekend shutdown of the old tank... wish me luck! snack.gif
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Thanks bud! The CBB is happy and fat, just like when I got him from you. He follows me around the tank and waits at the surface when I am working in the tank, hoping I will drop in some food. Awesome fish! Plus, he destroyed some aiptasia the other night and I have never felt so happily evil in my life. Die aiptasia! Die!

I did get the smaller impeller for the pump so I don't have to dial down as much. Replacement was a cinch and the impeller was cheaper than a cruddy koralia impeller.

I figured you were so busy shutting down the tank that I didn't want bother you to weld a frame around the to rim of the tank. Got a guy doing that now, but I'm sure there will be other things needed. I'll definitely hit you up for welding!

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Quick update:

I've moved on from stage 1, diatoms... to... Hooray, stage 2, cyano! We're getting there. I'm actually happy it showed it, all part of the maturation process after a cycle.


Took some top down shots while I was moving coral around the other day. Nothing aquascaped just yet. Just finding a spot for everything as I shut down the old tank.




Here's my purple stylo that made it without any issues.


Also replaced out my Iwaki for a giant Reeflo pump. Went from 1,300 gph to 5,550 gph! Luckily the manifold distributes all of that flow to my other reactors so my DT doesn't get blasted. I was smiling on the inside when I noticed the Austin Aquarium uses the same return pump I use. spiteful.gif



STN is only being observed in a couple of SPS now and I think that is residual stress from the low alk (4 dKh... yikes!) and the non-stable temps since I was still in between both tanks. I have now officially pulled the temperature control for the old tank and its on the new tank now since most of my livestock is in that one. Shutdown to the old tank is even more imminent now!snack.gif

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