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FarmerTy's 215 build


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Very intriguing! Thanks for the information nvrEnuf. I'll have to take a good look at the space underneath my stand but I'm sure I can find a spot somewhere. In sump is what I will end up trying if I go for it since I should be able to find room in a 65-gallon sump. If not, I need to work on my tetris skills.

I will gladly take you up on the offer to seed some knitting pad for me nvrEnuf. Be happy to toss a frag your way for the quick start help! How long do you think it will take to seed the knitting pad? Trying to figure out how long I have to get my ATS setup and ready for the knitting pad.

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A week should be plenty. I will tie the second piece in today and let you know how it goes...I should have cleaned one side this weekend and got lazy, so it's a perfect time to seed a second sheet.

A new sheet is 10.5" X 13.5" , I use something a bit smaller, so I will seed as much as I can.

FYI : I'll try to get some better pics in a bit, but here is mine. It runs off a overflow PVC with a ball valve for flow control and to turn off for cleaning. My skimmer is in the chamber to the left, and I am now running two lights on the ATS. I am seriously considering re-desiging the sump to remove the skimmer and enlarge the fuge.

DSC 0522

This was a main overflow line until I converted it , which in turn meant that the back-up overflow line (#3) is now in full use. So, I did reduce redundency by going with this method. However, I found this option more agreeable than a straight siphon or HOB option.

Anyhow...I will get the plastic started today...let's say should be ready in 10 days??? Weekend after one comming...

On the other hand if you really are measuring PO4 at >7-10ppm a quick seed of a day or two and the sheet should take off in your system. So, really, it doesn't matter to me...I'll put it on today and you just let me know when you want it.

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nvrEnuf, can you attach a larger picture? When I go to enlarge yours it stays the same size and opens in a new window... You have peeked my interest and I would like to investigate this option more. Also do you have a pic of your DT so I can see the results you are getting using this method. I run a great skimmer, GFO and Biopellets as well as Chaeto in my sump but still get a fair amount of algae on surfaces in my DT and wondering how it compares to this method. Thx

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odd, i think the one i saw was run under water. same basic idea with a light shining on a screen, but an airstone is added below to get an updraft that is supposed to do something to please the algea enough to grow super fast.


lol, shameless plug i guess. probably could have just copied the link from the post. oh well. not going back that far to fix it.

Edited by Planeden
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First time in a long time I've made a major fish purchase. I usually just adopt them from other people's tanks as those are usually the healthiest specimens but with the upcoming upgrade, I wanted to get all the tangs that I eventually want in my new tank now before all the old livestock started setting up territories.

All of my old livestock is still in the old tank, most notable a giant desjardini sailfin, rabbitfish, and yellow tang. There are plenty more but for the purposes of fish compatibility, these are the ones worth noting.

I planned on adding a copperband butterfly, blonde naso tang, and a powder blue tang.

The naso I am not worried about being first in the new tank. Its not so territorial and generally very peaceful.

The powder blue on the otherhand has a far more warranted reputation of being a bully.

In comes Niko's Reef with access to some awesome fish stock and corals. Travis found me an awesome blonde naso tang and powder blue tang and I picked them up today.

5" blonde naso

4" powder blue


The powder blue is in the sump until I can add the rest of the tangs at the same time to the new tank. The naso is currently enjoying all 215-gals all to himself.

Powder blue feeding... good sign.

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Awesome fish. Those came to fruition quick! The PBT get along ok with that filefish in your sump ?

I posted in the wrong thread earlier (what I get for using a phone to do it) so I will respond here.

Travis moves fast! The words came out of my mouth and next thing you know, he was calling me to pick up my fish!

The PBT did give the filefish a wedgie in gym class but otherwise, no other evidence of bullying was noted. All kidding aside, they are getting along just fine.

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Sounds like you need to either sell more houses or get that frag business going to support this new venture! :grin:

I vote for #2

But man it's been movin along pretty good, you will defference have more space for stuff to grow out. Are you planning on adding more fish or did the tangs soothe the itch?

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Just an interesting observation i wanted to share. I just witnessed the powder blue tang watch the filefish eat mysis and decide it was okay to eat them too.

It had already tried a couple and spit them out and ignored them since then. Enter the filefish, who comes roaring in to eat the mysis and in the feeding frenzy, all of a sudden the powder blue comes in too, feeling like he was missing out, and goes chomping down on some mysis.

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Ty, this thread is awesome. Love how you are taking your time with the transfer and setup. Haven't been able to log onto it for awhile. Been meaning too, but always get caught up with something. Looking great. Your coral and livestock are always so happy. I'm really glad that you gave us a chance to be a part of it. I love the tangs you picked out. When we pulled them out of the box, Chris and I were like **** these are nice... Really glad to hear that they are adjusting well. Thanks again for everything you have done for us from the beginning. Whenever you are ready for the Copperband, give us a holler.

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Those are nice looking tangs! the powder blue and brown are by far my favorite and I can't wait for a tank big enough to house one!

Congrats Ty, and I second Travis, your experience shows in your patience pulling this together.

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Travis - they definitely were a "whoa!" in their bags and then a "wow!" once I put them in the tanks. They are as healthy and as beautiful as if I had gotten them from someone else's tank as opposed to being shipped halfway across the world in a bag. Kudos to your stock and suppliers.

The copperband I'm getting from a local reefer but be sure I will be visiting you again once its time to add some airplanes of the sea (aka wrasses) to the tank.

NvrEnuf - the naso blonde has been my coveted fish for a long time now... almost as much as most covet the achilles. I just never had a big enough tank that I would feel right getting the naso. I know maybe 5-10 years down the line he (i hope its a "he" so he can grow those awesome streamers) may want a little more room but hopefully by that time, my house and tank will grow with him. The planning goes for the long haul as I add these tangs knowing that they'll be with me for a long time and possibly multiple tank moves later.

The powder blue is a beautiful specimen and is very active. I can see why they typically recommend a 180-gal and larger for these guys, even though they typically max out at 5-6" in captivity. Their natural environment is in areas with high wave activity. Swimming around in the splashing waves in giant schools, its no wonder they have that aggressive reputation they have when they are housed in smaller tanks than they should be. Its like sticking me in a small room with two people I dont know... eventually I'm going to feel a bit cramped and cranky.

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Lol. That was one of my personal fish from the house. I've had him for awhile. He is a hog. I fell in love with filefish. I used to think they were the ugliest fish out there, but now I think they are pretty cool looking. Taking care of aptasia is a big plus.

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That's a whole lot of halide going on at once.


Bonus points for those that can spot the powder blue.

Just wanted to throw this picture up because the colors are so ridiculous on the powder blue that it looks like I photoshopped him in.


Got my diatom clean-up crew on it. Do your thing Mr. Conch!


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