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My first "Human Aquarium" tank build!

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Ultimately, athletic directors aren't there to make the fans happy. Fan happiness is a desirable byproduct of an athletic director achieving his/her primary objectives. The duty of athletic director is to put the best product on the fields of play and to make the largest amount of money with the fewest amount of bev kearney lawsuits. Deloss failed at 2/3 and the oliver luck choochoo train is coming to the station. Here's to booze at DKR.

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Yeah I read that article, don't agree with it at all and all the Aggies I know don't either. I dunno who decided to state that as the Universities stance, but I think it's wrong. I also saw this today:


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Does anyone have experience with aquariums on hardwood? I am beginning to consider what to replace my current floor with and it's between porcelain tile or engineered hardwood. The problem with hardwood is that with aquariums, it's not a question of IF it will get water on the floor, but WHEN. I'm a little weary about putting down hardwood for fear of ruining it and having to replace it later.

Any advice out there from homeowners?

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Does anyone have experience with aquariums on hardwood? I am beginning to consider what to replace my current floor with and it's between porcelain tile or engineered hardwood. The problem with hardwood is that with aquariums, it's not a question of IF it will get water on the floor, but WHEN. I'm a little weary about putting down hardwood for fear of ruining it and having to replace it later.


Any advice out there from homeowners?

If you do wood buy enough to replace under tank at same time and store it. That way you have matching floor later if it gets discontinued.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

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I think there are several variables with egineered wood and aquariums. First is the quality of the floor, and nstallatuon. I know someone whose floor got ruined in under a year by small amounts of water. I'm pretty sure it was cheap material and poor installation. The second consideration is how you react to spills. I'm the "it'll dry" sort. Probably not the right attitude for wood floors.

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I am also the type that doesn't clean up every spill of water, especially when the water is usually spilled right next to the stand and capillary action usually draws the water under the stand. I think I'll just be safe and go with tile. November is the best month to replace your floors according to the internets!

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Ehhh I wouldn't say hardwood tile is dated now, but maybe how shag carpet was cool then...

yeah, i replaced the yellow and pick shag with the tile :).

i plan on dieing in the house, so i figure it will be someone else's problem. but, i really hope to live long enough that by then it will be "retro" and cool again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I started tearing up the linoleum today and scraping the glue up off the concrete. I will be ripping up the carpet tomorrow and hopefully take the molding off the walls tomorrow. Anyway, here are some pics in progress!

Rolling up linoleum


Ugly linoleum gone!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Toe is indeed broken, which has made working on my hands and bknees for the past week fairly painful and difficult. The bone chipped off in my big toe right in the joint doh.gif

Despite the handicap I have pushed on through the pain! Here are some update photos from the past week:

Bare concrete read for measuring


Dry run to make sure the "center" of the room is properly placed




Living room tiled


Still working on cutting the final tiles and grouting everything. Next I have to figure out the hearth of the fireplace too. If anyone has any cool ideas for it, feel free to share!

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