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Sascha D.

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Sweet. I'll pick up after my lunch appointment Friday. I might just call Reefs2go again today just to see if I can catch another unicorn. Try my luck out! Haha.

What are you going to talk to them about, how their day is going? If you can score some free frags, let me know. LOL!

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Haha. I called and told them people are having trouble getting through to pay. Do you know what she told me? She said, "I'm not saying they're lying, but we haven't been very busy today."

I was like EH? Come again? Then I told her it took me five tries just to get through to talk to her and she went silent.

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Normally I could log onto my account and pay for the orders, but their computer system went down and has stayed down for two weeks. They don't make it very user friendly, but there is a My Account link on the very bottom of the webpage above the copyright. At the moment, if you click it you will get an error, but normally it would take you to a login screen.

You're totally right though. They could reduce their overhead and increase customer satisfaction if they used a computer billing system. Their inventory system leaves much to be desired because they reduce their effective inventory when the order gets shipped instead of when the item gets invoiced. This means that you can get zerod out if they oversell a special.

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Shipping schedule updated at 7am this morning.


Our shipments are schedule to go ship Today and arrive Friday.

Once I receive confirmation of the shipment, I'll text everyone my address and let them know the boxes have shipped. I'm expecting the shipment between 12-1pm and I'll text everyone again when it arrives.

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I have to say that I'm disappointed in this Reefs2Go order.

The box was shipped at 5pm from Florida and arrived here at 11am. The quality of the packing was pretty horrible. The whole box was packed top to bottom with individually packaged frags and fish. There was no heating or cooling pack and the bags were thrown in without any semblance of order. Some bags were obviously leaking because the crimps were not tight enough.

Out of the three fish ordered, only one arrived in good shape. One was DOA and another was questionable.

The coral frags arrived in decent shape. They weren't as small as our last group buy, but none came with more polyps or heads than expected. On particular frag of zoas was the smallest that I have ever seen. I almost thought they just put an empty frag plug into the bag and shipped it.



Everyone loves a sale, but I think we deserve more out of a $10 frag. The only incentive we have to buy from a website is the price and I'm definitely feeling like we get what we paid for.

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Yeah, my Flame Angel didn't make it. And I believe they missed my Cherry Bombs and sent me Eagle Eyes/Watermelons instead... I am not impressed with this order. The last one was much better... Even the Palys they did get right, are not looking healthy... I will be submitting for a credit.

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Looks like I didnt get either of the zoas I ordered.

I ordered Cherry Bombs and Psychefriggendelic Paly's



I received

Lovely Ladies (which I already have)


Something similar to below, but with a black mouth... maybe its the melon zoas?



The last time I ordered from R2G, same experience, wrong corals, some melted :(

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The Lord of the Rings I ordered are so dang tiny it is very hard to tell what they actually are. I have seen a small spec of orange on the second day in my tank but other than that they have remained closed. The Lunar Eclipse are extremely small as well but at least they have opened. Sacha I really appreciate the work you did in organizing the order but I will undoubtedly NOT be ordering from them again.

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The Lord of the Rings I ordered are so dang tiny it is very hard to tell what they actually are. I have seen a small spec of orange on the second day in my tank but other than that they have remained closed. The Lunar Eclipse are extremely small as well but at least they have opened. Sacha I really appreciate the work you did in organizing the order but I will undoubtedly NOT be ordering from them again.

These particular type of zoas arent keen on being hammered by halides. The size and paleness of the stolon is indicative of overlighting them. Move them lower in your tank to a med light, med flow area. It'll take about a month or so for them to get bigger, but they will. Incidentally, I have the same zoas I picked up from R2G a while back, and they're still acclimating. So far its been a month, but they are slowly springing back.

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The Lord of the Rings I ordered are so dang tiny it is very hard to tell what they actually are. I have seen a small spec of orange on the second day in my tank but other than that they have remained closed. The Lunar Eclipse are extremely small as well but at least they have opened. Sacha I really appreciate the work you did in organizing the order but I will undoubtedly NOT be ordering from them again. 


These particular type of zoas arent keen on being hammered by halides.  The size and paleness of the stolon is indicative of overlighting them. Move them lower in your tank to a med light, med flow area.  It'll take about a month or so for them to get bigger, but they will.    Incidentally, I have the same zoas I picked up from R2G a while back, and they're still acclimating. So far its been a month, but they are slowly springing back.  

Ya they are at the bottom and partially shaded. I'm running led... Fingers crossed! Thanks.

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Yeah with LED, things like Mohawks and LOTR need to be as far away from your light source as possible, but they aren't particularly fond of darkness. I would just edge them out of the shade an inch or so at a time every other week... If they start to close up and not re-open after youve moved them into the light, move them back just a hair.. it'll take some getting used to. Good luck!

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