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Hey! I almost crashed my tank! Good times!!


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So I bought a new fire shrimp yesterday and knowing that I had to drip acclimate it I needed to add a couple of extra gallons of water to my fuge. No worries. I just mixed up some fresh sw last week after doing my weekly water change. So all I need to do is turn a valve, flip a switch and the water pumps from the water making station in the basement to the fuge. Easy peasy lemon squeasy. Add the water and start the drip. All's good. Shrimp looks fine. Today I get my new two spot bristletooth tang from Blue Zoo in the mail. I do a quick water change (which include siphoning about 9 gallons out of the DT and into the QT - after draining the QT down of course) and start the drip on the tang. After the drip starts and I'm standing there next to the water station I start to think, "Did I test that water after I set it to mix last week?" Hmm. Can't really remember testing it. Better do that. Well lo and behold the salinity is close to 1.030. A might strong wouldn't you say? And hey, I just did a 10%+ change to the DT and about a 50% change to the 20 gallon QT. Well that can't be good. So I check the salinity in the DT and yeppers, it's 1.027. I do seem to remember that the one thing that most sea life cannot tolerate is a sharp change in salinity. I stopped the drip and added some RODI to the QT to bring it closer to home. Crisis averted there. I drained the excess water from the DT and put back in slightly weaker sw (1.024) and that brought it down just a bit. I'll bring it down over time so I should be ok there. Just when you think you have all your ducks in a row, one little ******* gets out of line!

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Looks like I've got a small blue chromis that's struggling a bit. He's been at it for that last couple of hours so I guess He'll either make it or not. Not sure what I can do to help him.

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measure once cut twice - measure twice cut once...

Seems to fit in this hobby as well. I've gotten used to doing checks over and over and constantly running thru my mind..."Did I do this or that ect..."

Rudundancy pays off in the long run.

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