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90g Tank Build - Newbie!


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Electricity issues make Jordan turn green. mad.gif Raaah!!! HULK ANGRY!

I say we just install a windmill on your roof and have that pump water from your sump to the main tank. Then it'll save electricity, be fairly (minus windless days) dependable, AND it will accurately recreate natural weather patterns of larger water movement during storms! Genius

Sounds like a pump with wires rubbing I'd swap to a new one

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Hmmmm.... To save on time/labor/money Ill go with (Bio)3's suggestion.

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Working on getting my new pump, Aaron has an eheim 1262 that I might be purchasing : )

I have two new tenants in the tank!!! Some of the fish from my order came in to RCA! I picked them up and acclimated them and shabaam! So excited. I named the sail fin.... Harry Houdini the Great Sail Fin Desjardini! He even does a magic trick! The disappearing act! He likes to hide at eye contact. Also have the coral beauty, no name picked yet. Really have to feel it : )

Hopefully the rest of the fish get in next week sometime, also chose to wait on the GBTA. The ones that were at RCA were a little sickly. They said they will have some more coming soon.

Over and out for now!



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I am glad you got everything figured out! Wow, rough start! The new fish are awesome, so fun!

I like your Coral Beauty.

Thanks guys! I got the new pump installed and running now. Hopefully that solves the electrical issue : /

Next up, finish adding the tenants sometime next week. Order Monday for Tuesday. Then, install the dosing pumps that John picked up for me, and at the end of the month maybe get some SPS and Zoas and some fun stuff for my fish to swim around!

:) so excited.

Side note, my Sail Fin Harry is doing great! He's not scared of me anymore and realized that I feed him. So now when I come around he starts putting on a show and showing off in hope of me dropping in some food. Towards the tail end of the most recent feeding the coral beauty realized what was going on and started to eat. But he missed his opportunity for the most part. Maybe tonight he will join the feeding friendzy ontime!

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Update time!

Tank is doing great! Quite a few new additions:

Yellow Tang (sister named him Heisenburg)

Leopard Wrasse

Blue Hippo Tang

Green Chromis (mo, curly, and Larry.... RIP Larry : (



Clean up Crew

Next week my clowns come in!!! (Itchy and Scratchy)


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Please HELP!!!

My Blue Hippo Tang I picked up last week needs help. When I first put him in he started scraping his body on rocks every once in a while. i read online that is pretty common behavior when you first put them in a tank.

Then yesterday I noticed that almost overnight he had scraped his side so much that it now was an open wound! John thinks it may be some kind of infection and needs treatment. Please help me identify it so I can get the right medicine!


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So first step is water change and treating him for Ich. I will do 2 water changes this month to see if that helps also. I read through a bunch of articles and it seems as if Hippo Tangs are really sensitive to water quality and ich so I am going to start with that.

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Well, last night when I got home my hippo tang was way worse than in the morning. He will most likely die today. I started Erythromycin treatment right when I got home but it looks like it was too late. Still not sure what it was, but it could be bactierial, ick, aggression from another fish.... Idk. It makes me sad. Here is a picture less than 24 hours after the first one. With it progressing so quickly, I'm worried it may have been aggression. However, he was scraping his side on the rocks and maybe had an infection.... Sad day. He is at the bottom of my impromptu QT with treatment. Losing color and breathing slower.


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I got home yesterday and my hippo had died. I went to RCA to talk to Jake and show him pictures to find out what happened. He said it looked like a bad bacteria infection from before I got him. With shipping etc his immune system was down and he scratched himself on the rocks to itch it and made it spread quicker. Poor guy.

So for now I'm gonna take a break from Hippo Tangs. My plan is to purchase Johns hippo tang from his tank in a month or two and then buy him another tang. Instead of putting an at risk tang in my tank, I'll buy his which will be healthy and not stressed.

In other news, my clowns should be here on Friday, a black and white oscelaris and a regular oscelaris.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok its been a while, need to update!!

First on the family front.. IM A DAD!!

My son Elijah was born 11/13/13, 7 lbs 15 oz. 19 3/4 inches long. He is such a great baby and LOVES my tank. Obviously he has been mostly the reason for my ARC sabbatical. Also, it was end of quarter/end of year at work so December was crazy busy. Now that things have calmed down I can fill you all in on the tank!

I have had several new fish friends added to the tank as well as some things here and there.

Pics coming up!..

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