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90g Tank Build - Newbie!


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Congrats on the new tank! :crab:

Any plans for the inhabitants?

Yes sir! I am actually putting together my list as we speak. I'll share once it done. But it will have plenty of SPS and LPS, nems, etc. and of course some of the regular nemo friends for the baby to enjoy : )

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My daughter is 5 months old now and she spends about 2 hours in front of the tank a day. When we're sitting on the couch with her, she's often looking over towards the tank. My wife always says it's her most expensive toy. It's pretty cute.

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Aw man, what I would have paid to slide across your floor like a penguin just once!

Since you broke your first house, just let me know if you need to get another. Jk.

Joking aside. Tank is looking sweet and I am excited to see your inhabitant wish-list.


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Hello All! Update time grin.png So I FINALLY got my tank all filled up, my sump filled up, my Skimmer setllted in the sump etc. I messed with my rock for about 5 minutes and clouded the tank again, lol so I decided I will just let it sit, pull the rock out, and put it in piece by piece. I may need some help from John in planning my aquascape, I have ideas but executing without experience is proving to be dificult. I dont want to crush any of my fishies!

As soon as I was able to get my sump full, i turned on my return pump.......... gush of water........(vaccuum)...... gush of water.....(vaccuum)... gush of water. So i need to drill a hole in the the top of my overflow in order to let air exchange, but I was literally on the way out the door for work. So when I get back home I'll move the rock in and drill the hole and turn it on again!

And here is the first part of my tennant list:

Moorish Idol (haha jk)

Sailfin Tang

Bicolor Blenny

Leopard Wrasse

Blue Hippo Tang (juvenille)

True Percula Clown

Blue Chromis (x5 so they school)

Flame Angelsigh (later)

Sand Sifting Starfish

Snails and Hermits

Green Bubble Tip Anemone

Rose Bubble Tip Anemone (later)

Frags for Gig'ems tank while i get mine stabilized:

Aussie Glowstick (later, John got the last one!!)

Purple Acropora

Royal Blue Tenius

Raindbow Acropora

Some from Ty!!


Edited by Jnaylor
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Hey, when did you sneak in my house and grab those frags?

Looking good man. You thinking of doing any background with the tank or just leaving it open? I keep going back and forth between the standard black and possibly a dark blue for the upgrade tank.

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Hey, when did you sneak in my house and grab those frags?

Looking good man. You thinking of doing any background with the tank or just leaving it open? I keep going back and forth between the standard black and possibly a dark blue for the upgrade tank.

I want to go black.. Just havent done it yet. :) I thought about blue, but I think black would dissappear more.

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Update time! Just got in bed after messing around with the lights and tank most of the night. Long story, but one of my lights hanging cables was wearing, so I cut a new piece of wire and planned on just crimping a small clip to the end to be held by the locking mechanism.... Well Home Depot and lowes both didn't have anything small enough. But my resourceful brain decided to get aluminum clips that were too big and then take my dremmel and cut them down a bit. Finally got the **** light hung and then was messing around with the sump plumbing and decided to go a different route. I'll take hopefully one LAST trip to Home Depot tomorrow before I turn on my return pump and skimmer. Other than that everything is looking good. I don't know how I feel about my aqua scape yet. May do a bit of shuffling tomorrow.





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Well, ACL got rained out yesterday. So i finished plumbing my sump and turned everything on :) First time to leave it on all night, made me nervous. Must have woken up sevearl times throughout the night worried that something was going wrong lol. For some reason, my PVC is leaking a drip evey so often at each connection. I was told that just being drainage, there would not be enough pressure to the point where I would need to prime and glue it. Well now Im going to just glue the whole **** thing so I dont have any drippy drip drip.

Hopefully I'll have some tennants in the next 2 weeks!

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just my thought. i had a slow drip in my return pump that i decided wasn't bad enough to deal with in my rush to get going. a few months later i got tired of it and decided i wanted to fix it. but, the sealant i wanted to use needed to cure for 24 hours. i didn't think i could leave the return pump off for that long, so it became a pain to fix. so, i would take care of it now, before you have to worry about things in your tank not being cool with no filtration.

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just my thought. i had a slow drip in my return pump that i decided wasn't bad enough to deal with in my rush to get going. a few months later i got tired of it and decided i wanted to fix it. but, the sealant i wanted to use needed to cure for 24 hours. i didn't think i could leave the return pump off for that long, so it became a pain to fix. so, i would take care of it now, before you have to worry about things in your tank not being cool with no filtration.

I'll do that! Thanks for the tip. I'll stop and get glue and primer tomorrow after work.

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Well, this morning has not been a fun one.

I have had the tank running for a little over a week, no porblems. This morning, woke up and walked into the kitchen to see that my tank was completely off. Some time during the night it tripped the breaker and everything shut off. Reset the breaker, tank was fine. Left for work.

Make it to work, get my coffee, breakfast, sit down and get my email up. Ring ring, its the wife. Breaker is tripped again. She reset it, 15 minutes later, another call. This time she couldnt reset it. She is 37 weeks pregnant too. So she grabbed an extension cord and tried to run it to the kitchen. Tripped that breaker. Then the dining room, tripped. Living room, tripped. Calls me frantically.

I raced home, called the home warranty people and they sent out an electrician. Met the electrician at the house, nice guy, and he tells me that new homes these days have "arc reading" brakers and are really sensitive and a POS. So he replaced it and said if it happens again he can install a regular breaker. The last resort would be to install a dedicated breaker to the tank, which would only be about $125. So I told him that I would definitely want to do that soon, would rather not risk it.

So, im gonna let things settle down a bit and test the water tomorrow. If the levels look good, ill be putting in my order for fish in on the 28th of Oct. YAY!!!

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What may be causing the arc? If you are getting him back again, I'd see about adding a gfi circuit and put in a grounding probe. Not sure if it'd help this problem, but saltwater and electricity is a bad combination.

Oddly, I've found that when my power goes out, my gfi trips off. So, when the power comes back the tank doesn't. Not sure if that's just mine, or if it's normal.

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It is a GFI circuit, I'll ask about the grounding probe. The guy today replaced the breaker, the **** thing just blew again. Emergency on call warranty people are coming at some point tonght. Gonna be a long one.

If I so much as plug a single power head into an extension cord and plug it ANYWHERE in the house it trips. What a nightmare. Dr Hortons sh1tty a$$ "green friendly" breakers are a bunch of bull sh1t.

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Search for grounding probe at drs foster smith or some place. It's like a lightening rod for stray voltage in the tank. One end goes in the water and the other end goes to ground. Mine just goes to the screw that holds the face plate.

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update time:

Electrician came out and said that the new breaker that was put in was sitting improperly on the rack and therefore was causing an issue for the entire system. He took it off and put it on correctly. He said last resort would be to do a dedicated breaker, great news is that the tank sits right in the perfect spot since the electrical meter is literally on the outside of the wall right behind the tank, so all they have to do is drill a hole behind the tank, nothing through the attic etc.

Also, I have GHA :(. Need to pick up a cleaning crew to take care of it. For now since there is only rock and sand in my tank I turned the lights out to starve it out a bit. There MAY be some bryopsis on the glass, but im not sure since its not quite long enough to tell at this point. Im hoping not. May be using some granulated carbon to help with that. Also, my skimmer was not working properly, but I was able to get it set correctly with the air intake etc to make it work properly.

Also, John came over and tested my water for me :) THANKS JOHN! Looks like my nitrite level is fine, and I have no ammonia, but my Nitrate is high right now. Hopefully ill be ready in 2-3 weeks for some fish. Oh and my pH was 8.1, so Im good there.

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Wow what an ordeal with the breaker. I hope everything is fixed now. Good thing this all happened while you're cycling and not after you have fish and coral. Sounds like the cycle is coming along nicely!

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****.... Woke up this morning and the tank was shut down again!

Breaker tripped, wont turn back on..... So i did some trouble shooting again, and this time may have figured a part of it out. Every time I plug in my Mag 12 return pump... BLAM.. Breaker trips. Plugged it into the kitchen, trips. Living room, trips...

Couuld it be someting is wrong with my return pump? It came free with my tank. I may just go buy another return pump before I spend $$$ having another dedicated breaker installed. Which I will probably still go do at some point, but I need my tank running NOW.

Side note, I have left my lights off for 3 days and it looks like the GHA on the glass is dying off. My live rock needs a mower blenny :(

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Electricity issues make Jordan turn green. mad.gif Raaah!!! HULK ANGRY!

I say we just install a windmill on your roof and have that pump water from your sump to the main tank. Then it'll save electricity, be fairly (minus windless days) dependable, AND it will accurately recreate natural weather patterns of larger water movement during storms! Genius

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