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What are these little pink polyps?


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My encrusting green gorgonian is sprouting some little pink polyps. There's also a long shoot that looks like a root, for lack of a better description, coming off from it that also has a few of these little pink polyps on it. Are these part of the gorgonian or something else? it's hard to see them on the gorgonian itself (in the picture), but they're pretty clear on the offshoot. Dang, the pictures appear to be upside down. Lovely.



Edited by Wade
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Hmmmmm. I thought this was an encrusting gorgonian when I bought it. I have it on my overflow box and have no problem with it spreading all over that, but will it release polyps to attach all over the tank?

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. . . I thought this was an encrusting gorgonian when I bought it. . .

You did. One of the problems of having multiple common names, egos, marketing and changing or uncertain taxonomy. Get used to it. laugh.png Delbeek and Sprung discuss the confusion in "The Reef Aquarium" Vol II. There are two species in the genus Briareum, B violaia and B. asbestenium and are commonly called Green Star Polyp and currently are lumped in with the gorgonians. Because of their encrusting behaviour they get called encrusting gorgonians. The genus Pachyclavularia which is often used for some variants is a considered by most as a synonym for Briarium. To add to the confusion Pachyclavularia has been put in the Tubiporidae (pipe organ corals) family so expect somebody to try to change things again sooner or later. There are many variants ranging in color from brown to yellow to green

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