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I was actually just emailing them about shipping, cause you know, my tank is at a school I only have acess to at certain times. Was thinking about grabbing some snails and a hermit :D for around $12.. if that helps. But it would be better if they were shipped to someone elses place. Would you be willing to keep my order overnight if say, they got shipped after the school closes? I could try to drop you an extra $5 if you could do that for me :3

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*************************OFFICIAL GROUP BUY POST*************************************
Right then. Tim has blessed me hijacking his thread and organizing the group buy. Let's set a deadline of Sunday (9/15). They will ship Tuesday so pickup will be Weds (9/18). Please post what you want on this thread and then PM me for payment instructions. Once I receive payment via Paypal or credit card, your order will officially be part of the group order which I'll summarize here.

Will at Aqua SD confirmed that we can combine anything from their website including the recent frag packs and custom frag packs (see AquaSD's recent threads in the Sponsor section) He also said that we can combine Custom Acro Pack orders to maximize the discount. I'm planning on ordering quite a few acro frags so lets assume we hit the maximum 60% discount (Custom Acro Pack only). Will wouldn't budge on the $40 shipping so for now add $5 to your order to cover it. Let the games begin!

Paid and Ready to Go:

1. ct67stang: Frag Pack #22 $53 + Shipping $5 = $58

2. phamily: Frag Pack #16 $41 + 8 frags from Killer Custom Acro Pak $136 + Shipping $5 = $187

3. Richard L: 8 frags from Killer Custom Acro Pak $130 + Shipping $5 = $135

4. ettanert: gold ring bowerbanki $30 + Shipping $5 = $35

5. wizardx322: 6 frags from Killer Custom Acro Pak $114 + Shipping $5 = $119

6. mFrame: Frag Pack #3 $38 + Frag Pack #16 $41 +Shipping $5 = $84

7. Your name here.

Edited by Richard L
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Ok, we now have enough frags on the Killer Custom Acro Pack to qualify for the 60% discount! Btw, that discount is only for that frag pack.

Some of you have asked about me holding coral past Weds night. Whenever I hold corals it never seems to go well so I must respectfully decline. Group buys are already a lot of work which I'm happy to do but having to acclimate and dip someone else's purchases before it can be stored in my tank is more work than I'm up for. But most importantly the corals are already stressed out so adding another acclimation and dipping is only going to add to their stress. I appreciate your understanding.

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