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40g Beetus Build


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Hello! What is going down, fellow home dogs?

It's been a while since I have been active in this amazing community; I couldn't stay away forever!

This has been a long time coming. I was just waiting to move into a house before I decided to go any bigger than my nano.

Well?? I recently moved into a house in NW Austin. I'm lovin it, my girlfriend loves it, my dogs..not sure of the word for it, but feeling is much more intense than love.. you know dogs.. Anyway..

I recently bought a drilled 40g breeder on craigslist. this is one of my favorite sized tanks. nice and deep. not too tall. lots of floor space (to my liking).


Since the tank was drilled, I needed a sump, RIGHT?! yes! Got one. nbd. I mayd dis..


It's a basic design, but it proves worthy.

That there is a mag 7 as my return. I might have to tone it down a little, but I would rather have have too much than too little in this case.

Next was the stand. I love me some buildin'! I have only just finished building the skeleton. next comes the skin. Isn't that how it works? tongue.png


Now this is going to be somewhat of an economically friendly build since I'm a broke diabetic college student with terrible insurance. ARE WE CLEAR?!

Now that we have that cleared up, here are some more plans for the tank

Lagoon Themed

macros (maybe some sea grass)

softies and LPS

30lbs Marco Dry Rock

I know this will limit my stock list a little, but one thing I do want is

either a mantis (miss my old friend)

or a leaf fish/angler

My stock list has not been made just yet (well it has.. about 3 years ago when I first had a dedicated lagoon tank that never ended up happening..) so hang tight, yo.

For lighting I purchased 2 fixtures from fishneedit. they are having a 50% off summer clearance right now.

4x39w + 2x39w fixtures. should be in next week.

Here is the tank and sump on the newly built stand skeleton


WARNING this is what happens when you drive with no A/C


Thanks for looking! Stay tuned!

Edited by diabeetus
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  • 3 weeks later...

very cool! Patrick, thanks for the invite! I just might take you up on that.

A quick update. I moved the tank to another room's closet. I'm going to put a wall up in front of it and essentially make it into an in-wall display.

I will match the texture and paint of the surrounding walls and frame out the display along with a cabinet door above the tank and below for access to storage and sump.

The tank is still cycling at 6 weeks. and is showing very high ammonia and nitrites

The wait continues



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so my tank is STILL cycling.

Amonia 3-4 ppm

Nitrite 4 ppm

Nitrate 50-60 ppm

but I decided to start moving forward with the wall. I'ts been a while since I've done anything. I bought some plywood

today and cut out the viewing space. I haven't quite decided

on a set up for the doors so I will wait on cutting those out.

Maybe a project for tomorrow. It's coming along. slowly, but surely.




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yes, the wall is only 1/4" thick and can be removed if I need it to be. Since I am unable to get to the back of the tank for plumbing repair or anything like that, I designed the wall to come out fairly easy.

Also, both cabinet doors will be magnetic so they will not be in the way.

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  • 1 month later...

say guys. It's been a while since I have updated. Been pretty busy with school and work. Yesterday I finally got around to staining the darn thing and trimming the doors up.

I found some 3/4" magnets that I wanted to use to keep the doors shut, instead of hinges.

I just drilled out a little bit of the back of the door and dropped the magnet in the hole so it was flush and glued it. then I lined up the other magnets on the inside of the wall prepped with glue and Viola!

First coat of stain done!


Added doors


Here are the 3/4" magnets.


Magnets added to the back of the door


FTS all done with the wall, minus putting some trim around the tank display. I cut a piece wrong and was too confident in myself the buy extra trim!! ha



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  • 1 month later...

Nicely done. How about a close view of the rock work?

hey sorry about the late reply. Been busy lately.

Anyway, here are some pics of the rock work.

Lots of free space.

There is also plenty of stable base rock, but the way the rocks were formed there is a lot of potential for tunneling and hiding.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hows this build coming along? I really love the closet conversion. I'm a locked into an apartment for another year so it'll be quite sometime before I get to do any crazy in the wall/closet builds, but this give me hope that by the time I'm ready I'll know exactly what I want and how to go about doing it!

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the build is great! I have lots of things starting to cultivate in the tank and out!


There is a lot of moisture inside this little closet and one thing that I have noticed is a little bit of mold growing in one of the corners of the closet. I need to come up with something to vent the closet. some fans or something. Other than that, I love it! I'm glad I decided to do this over a stand in the middle of the room.

Next step is to start loading it up more. It's a little bare right now.

I recently got a skimmer in (SCA 301) rated up to 65g. It has been running for about a week and a half and has pulled some really good skimmate. for the price, this skimmer rocks

More pics soon enough

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