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Alkalinity mystery


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In reefing, slower is almost always better than faster.


Great pic

Not an imperically true statement.

I would ammend it to "Slower is usually better than faster."

I can attest that LPS corals do not respond negatively to 1.0 dKH change in a 24 hour period as long as the Alk does not come into direct contact w' the coral as I have 20+ LPS corals of different varieties and have done this many times in the past 20 months with no ill affects.

Ir depends like I said about the circumstances involved w/ the particular tank. A tank w/ but a few LPS is NOT at risk for harm for an ALK dosing every 12 hours designed to raise the dKH by 0.5 dkH.

I know you can find plenty of examples where others routinely raise their Alk as much as 3.0 dKH without negative response. Plenty of experienced reefers will limit to 2 dKH Not my recommendation, but I guess it works for them.

Maybe 1.0 dkH doesn't work for you either with your tank and your situation, but it would in this scenerio. My recommendation would be to dose on a regular bais and test regularly as well to avoid this situation. As I beleive i can say imperically that a stable tank is always better than an unstable one.

But then this is just my opinion, as I am not a reef chemist and cannot speak on authority as one. shifty.gif

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