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Liveaquaria/Diver's Den


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I have confirmed that as long as we reach $225 combined we get free shipping. I can take delivery and distribute. Want to put the order in Wednesday night for Friday delivery(or Monday if all interested parties prefer). I'll keep a running total and collect money via paypal by Wednesday 9pm at the latest. Thanks guys!

Goal: $225
Me- $25
Juiceman $80 Paid/order received
Derek $80 paid/order received
KimP $50 paid/order received

Goal Met again thanks to Derek! Order has been placed!

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Just waiting to hear back from Juiceman and CaptainK about when they want to place the order. Plus I think MLaw wanted to order something too. Once I know what day you guys can send me the money and what fish you want via paypal. [email protected]

When you are telling me what fish to order, please be as descriptive as possible and include the item number (CN-00000) so we make sure I get the right one.

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Think I'm going to have to pass this time. I just got an order from them a few weeks ago and the wife would kill me if I spent anymore. Besides, the yellow bellied hippo tangs aren't on sale :)

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So, Lenver had to drop out because they ran out of leopard wrasses. Which puts us a little short. If no one else makes it up, I'll grab an anthias to get us to free shipping. Also waiting on CaptK, but only going to wait until 9pm to avoid losing anyone else. If anyone has his phone number, text him and ask him to check his messages lol. I'll send you guys an email at 9 when I place the order!


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Aww too bad. I was seriously considering a foxface :grin:

yeah, i didn't have time to jump in either. i guess i'll just have to order $225 worth myself :).

Haha good luck with that! I can't afford to crash my tank already.

Are you kidding? This is the best time to crash our tanks. Right now I have $150 worth of livestock, in six months it'll be a lot more.

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I'll jump in if anyone is going to order. want to try a powder blue tang from them.


I'm not sure I'm really wanting to jump in. Too many options there. I need more limitations like at the LFS and on the forums.

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I think I'm about to just custom order everything from Stinky's.

that does seem like an awesome service. i need to head out and see the store anyway. but you get to custom order stuff and support a local business.

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The liveaquaria order came in today and I must say I'm very impressed. Everything was very well packaged, all the fish looked fat and healthy, and when I added the filefish and cleaner wrasse they didn't immediately hide. The angel Derek ordered and the wrasse that Kim got were both gorgeous. I'll definitely be ordering from them whenever possible from now on.

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